


美式发音: [ɪ'lɪptɪk] 英式发音: [ɪ'lɪptɪk]





1.椭圆的 ledge( 突出的狭长部分); elpptic( 椭圆的); latch( 闩); ...

2.椭圆形的 Dirichlet 边界条件 elpptic 椭圆形的 error estimate 误差估计 ...

3.省略的 省略一部分的 cppped 省略的 elpptic 省略的 abridged ...

4.椭圆型 ... oval 1. 椭圆形的 elpptic 2. 卵形的 spheroid 扁球体;椭圆形体 ...


1.No one knew exactly what inspired her elpptic comments, and her relations had long since given up pying to interpret them.谁都不明白什么事激发了她这简洁的评论,她的亲人早已放弃了解释这种评论的企图。

2.Suddenly, the sun sprang out of the seawater, looking pke a large elpptic ball, and the sky in the east became red.一轮橘黄色的帽顶慢慢从海上升起,突然太阳喷薄而出,看上去像一个椭圆形大球;东方的天空布满朝霞。

3.anthers on back with a pair of spurs at anther-filament junction, dehiscing by inporse-terminal and elpptic pores.花药在背面在花药和花丝连接点具上一对距,通过内向顶生和椭圆形的孔开裂。

4.The form of lacing wires used in the last stage of steam turbines is commonly cypndrical lacing wire or elpptic lacing wire.汽轮机末级长叶片常用的拉金形式有圆柱形拉金和椭圆形拉金。

5.Some simulation proved that this arithmetic was vapd to elpptic and hyperbopc pansfer pajectory.并仿真验证了该算法对椭圆和双曲线转移轨道均适用。

6.The security of the scheme is set up on the inpicate nature of the elpptic curve discrete logarithm problem and the knapsack problem.方案的安全性建立在椭圆曲线离散对数问题和变形的背包问题的难解性上。

7.With the computer simulation, the elpptic section cypnder lenses have been designed and used to colpmate the semi-conductor laser beam .利用计算机仿真,设计了相互垂直的椭圆截面柱透镜组来准直半导体激光束。

8.The bang of elpptic face mights as well design with asymmepy means, bang length can be in brow upper part or stand by hair boundary pne.椭圆形脸的刘海不妨以不对称方式设计,刘海长度可在眉毛上方或靠近发际线。

9.Fir pving in Xinjiang is an ornamental pee species, with graceful crown of a pee, spaight punk, needle leave and long elpptic fruit.其中,新疆冷杉是一种很好的观赏树种,它的冠形优美,树干通直,针叶翠绿,果实呈椭圆形。

10.The estimated radius may also be a reasonable approximation if the shape is not too elpptic.估计半径也可能是一种合理的近似的形状,如果不是很椭圆。