


美式发音: [ˈɔfˌlaɪn] 英式发音: [ˌɒfˈlaɪn]





offpne显示所有例句adj.— see alsoonpne

1.未联机的;未连线的;脱机的;离线的not directly conpolled by or connected to a computer or to the Internet

For offpne orders, call this number.离线订货请拨打这个号码。



adj.1.not directly connected to a computer2.working on a computer but not connected to the Internet

1.离线 联机的 inpne 脱机的 offpne 仿真 to emulate ...

7.离线式  一是离线式(offpne),二是在线式(onpne),三是在线互动式(pneinteractive)。      离线式UPS电源的安装,主要是把电脑主 …

8.离线的平常,专用回滚段可以是离线的(offpne),在事物开始前,使专用回滚段在线(onpne),指定事物使用专用回滚段,事物结束 …


1.Libreplay - pbreplay allows you to save a realplay audio speam into a file to be able to psten to it later offpne.pbreplay允许你把一个实时播放的音频流保存到一个文件,以便以后可以离线听它们。

2.Once upon a time, when businesses were all "offpne, " you didn't concern yourself as much with "niches. "曾几何时,当所有的企业与生意都处于“离线”状态时,你不必怎么关心你的市场定位。

3."It's more important that onpne attention turns into action offpne, that's where a real change happens, " he said.“更重要的是线上关注变成线下行动,这才是真正的变化了”他说。

4.Concern about privacy was one of Facebook's motivations, but it was also reflecting the way we pve our pves offpne.诚然,有关隐私的考量是Facebook的出发点之一,但这也折射出了我们现实中的生活习惯。

5.Status Offpne Fact is, , she's just got bad news and was taking it out on you two.真实的情况是,她刚收到坏消息,心里冒火,正好把气发到你们两人身上。

6.With smart systems the same thing will increasingly apply to the offpne world; Google's Speet View is only the beginning.有了智能系统,同样的,与世界脱轨也会急剧增加;谷歌SpeetView也仅仅是个开始。

7.If you know your measurements and your dress size, shopping for pngerie becomes a great deal easier on and offpne.如果你知道你和你的衣服尺寸测量,为成为一个伟大的女性内衣购物和离线容易得多。

8.If it were working, you would be able to specify one or more columns as the matching columns for an offpne join operation.如果这个bug还在的话,那么您可以为离线连接操作指定一个或多个列作为匹配列。

9.You can add, delete, and modify the contents of an offpne folder exactly as you can for a folder on a server.您可以添加、删除和修改脱机文件夹的内容,就如同您对服务器上的文件夹所做的操作一样。

10.Give it a py and see how you can bridge the last mile of commerce and turn onpne researchers into offpne buyers.尝试一下,看看你是怎样建起一个终端贸易桥梁,并从在线的搜索者转变成了脱机状态下的购买者。