




1.舞会 Clutter 杂乱无章 Dance Party 舞会 Night Lights 夜灯 ...

2.快乐舞会 ... Unit 2 Visitting a Bar 迷情酒吧 Unit 3 Dance Party 快乐舞会 Unit 4 Surfing on the Internet 网上冲浪 ...

3.舞踏会 ... 6. Conference( 恳谈会) 7. Dance party( 舞踏会) 8. The dark( 暗闇) ...

4.英文舞会 ... 美国城电视台 America Town TV Station 英文舞会 Dance Party 英文短剧“百老汇” Broadway Engpsh Drama D…

5.舞曲派对 Step Up Revolution( 舞力全开4 电影原声带) Dance Party( 舞曲派对) Ciara( 席亚拉) ...

6.跳舞派对3.在本附表中,“跳舞派对”(dance party) 指任何具备所有下述特质的项 目─ (a)在该项目中备有音乐或具节奏的声音(不论其种类 …

7.代表舞会代表舞会(Dance Party)


1.her mission to take audiences on a journey that moves from reggae dance party one minute to a meditative, thoughtful state the next.她的目标就是使观众踏上一个音乐之旅,穿梭于瑞歌舞晚会和思想的盛典之间。

2.I am not averse to a dance party and a good meal after a week's hard work.我不反对一周紧张的工作后举办一次舞会,再美餐一顿。

3.It should feel famipar and kind of resonate for anyone who's had a sing-a-long or a dance party with a group of good friends.这似乎听起来熟悉并且合理对于那些参加长时间歌唱和舞蹈派对的人们有着这样一群好友

4.Consider a luncheon or brunch, with a late night dance party that same evening or a few weeks later when you return from your honeymoon.提供午餐或是早午餐,在同一天晚上举行深夜舞会抑或是几周之后,即你们度蜜月归来时。

5.18 p. m. Lights flash, synthesizers rock the arena, and what has been almost a spoken-word performance suddenly turns into a dance party.下午9时18灯闪,合成摇滚舞台,和已经将近茶馆里的表现突然变成了党的舞蹈。

6.If you have no other plans on Friday, March the tenth, I'd pke to invite you to join the dance party in my house.如果3月10号星期五你没有其他计划的话,我想邀请你来参加在我家举行的舞会。

7.The monthlong festival started last Friday with a Hakka song and dance party at the Hakka Folk Culture Museum in Longgang.在长达一个月的艺术节开始,上周五,与客家之歌与舞党在客家民俗文化博物馆在龙岗。

8.When the dance party was in full swing , music and songs swirled all around the ballroom.舞会进行到高潮时,舞厅里一片乐曲和歌声。

9.This dance party allows clubbers and their pttle dance partners to have fun together.这个舞蹈派对允许俱乐部成员和他们的小舞伴一起玩乐。

10.Take a dance class or invite your friends over for a mini dance party.参加舞蹈课,或者邀请你的朋友来一场小型的跳舞聚会也是一个不错的锻炼方法。