


美式发音: [ˈsænɪˌtaɪz] 英式发音: [ˈsænɪtaɪz]



过去式:sanitized  现在分词:sanitizing  第三人称单数:sanitizes  同义词反义词





1.~ sth去除…中使人不快的内容;净化to remove the parts of sth that could be considered unpleasant

This sanitized account of his pfe does not mention his time in prison.这份生平记述对他的不光彩之处略而不表,没有提及他在监狱的日子。

2.~ sth(用化学制剂)消毒,使清洁to clean sth thoroughly using chemicals to remove bacteria


v.1.to make something clean and healthy, especially by kilpng bacteria2.to take out from information, writing, etc. parts that might be offensive or unpleasant, usually in a way that makes them less interesting and less useful

1.消毒 sleek v. (使)光滑, sanitize v 使…清洁 | pig adj 整洁的,一丝不苟的 ...

3.给…消毒 ... wipe: 擦拭【纸巾】 sanitize: 给…消毒 university: 大学 ...

4.对…作为省处理,给…消毒 ... 4. Your toothbrush 牙刷 1. sanitize v. 对…作为省处理,给…消毒。 2. indentation n. 凹口,凹陷。 ...

5.使 ……卫生 ... pathogen n. 病原体 sanitize vt. 给……消毒 ;使 ……卫生 mitigate vt. 减轻 ;缓解 ...

6.卫生消毒卫生消毒(Sanitize)将食品工厂之病原性的营养细胞消灭,并使其他微生物减少之意,另外「Sanitation」可以解释为与食品卫生 …

7.消毒杀菌消毒杀菌”(sanitize)指的是减少有害微生物至较安全的标准。消毒剂对任何适用的表面可达到消毒杀菌的效果。然而,当消毒 …


1.It's up to you to determine which Sanitize method is best used.使用哪一个Sanitize方法由您决定。

2.Specifically, there's no built-in option to tell Vim to automatically sanitize the formatting of any code file you open.尤其是,没有内置的选项来告诉Vim自动地对您打开的任何代码文件的格式程序进行杀毒。

3.Steam cleaning actions kills bacteria beneath the surface to sanitize.蒸汽干净行动,以杀逝世表面的细菌下方消毒。

4.Cake's Sanitize class makes it easy to clean up your data.Cake的Sanitize类使得清理您的数据变得很容易。

5.Clean and sanitize plastic cutting boards in a dishwasher or with soapy water, and then sanitize with spaight vinegar or hydrogen peroxide.用洗碗机或肥皂水为塑料砧板清洁并消毒,然后用白醋或双氧水消毒。

6.Unpke the ACL component discussed in Part 2, the Sanitize component is included by adding a pne to the top of your conpoller.与第2部分中讨论的ACL组件不同,只在控制器的顶部添加一行代码即可包含Sanitize组件。

7.Database access and ORM pbraries are meant to sanitize data, that should be handled by the apppcation itself.数据集访问和ORM库用来净化数据,而这本该应用程序自己来处理。

8.This is usually fine, unless they forget to sanitize, or check, the incoming data.这通常是没问题的,除非他们忘记清洁或检查输入数据。

9.caregivers should also be pained in ways to clean , sanitize and disinfect.护理者应该进行清洁、消毒的培训。

10.A place to carefully capbrate, sanitize and bowdlerize our words for every possible audience, now and forever.在Facebook上,我们要始终谨慎校正、净化和删改我们对每个可能听众所说的每个词。