




1.雅利安 激情的代价 Akele Hum Akele Tum 阿里亚2 Arya2 血债血偿 Rakta Charipa 2 ...

4.艾丽娅  “你也没对。艾丽丝(alys)不是艾丽娅(arya)。”  “幻象是真的。只是我解读错了。我跟你一样只是凡人而已,琼恩·雪诺。凡 …

5.雅利安人关于这部书的来源,学者们的意见比较统一:这是一部雅利安人(Arya)的著作。根据考古等各方面的发现和研究得出结论, …

6.艾丽亚她的妹妹艾丽亚(Arya)被守夜人(Night's Watch)(注1)征兵人尤伦(Yoren)带走。艾德的大儿子罗柏(Robb)自称北境 …

7.阿亚考底利耶也认为“否定上等阶级——称做阿亚(Arya)——的个人自由被认为是不可接受的”。虽然考底利耶的关注对象只是限于 …

8.雅利安式即“任何种族、族群,无论来自哪个地域,如果采取了雅利安式(Arya)的生活方式或价值观念,更确切地说,接受了吠陀诸经 …


1.She rubbed away a tear angrily, the way Arya might have done it.她气愤地抹去眼泪,艾丽娅抹眼泪大概也是这样子吧。

2.Arya didn't think it was funny. "I hate needlework! " she said with passion. "It's not fair! "艾莉亚听了完全笑不出来。“我最讨厌女红!”她激动地说,“真不公平!”

3.Theon could not bring himself to call her Arya and dare not call her Jeyne.席恩无法让自己叫她艾丽娅更不敢叫她珍妮。

4."Lady Arya. " Rowan moved closer. "You must come with us, and quickly. We've come to take you to your brother. "“艾丽娅夫人。”罗文走近些。“你得和我们一起走,要快。我们来接你去你兄弟那里。”

5.She looked enough pke Arya to give him pause, but only for a moment.她确实很像艾莉亚,这让他迟疑了一会儿,就一小会儿。

6.In songs, the hero always saved the maiden from the monster's castle, but pfe was not a song, no more than Jeyne was Arya Stark.在歌谣里,英雄总能从魔鬼的城堡里拯救出少女,但是现实生活可不是歌谣,更别说珍妮扮作的艾丽娅·史塔克。

7.I gue ed that if Long won, it would add some new su ort to the Nazis' "master race" (Arya superiority) theory.我心想,如果隆格获胜,那势必给纳粹的“优等民族”(雅利安人优异)论调增加新的佐证。

8.The Arya Samaj became a bulwark against the encroachments of Islam and Christianity, and its orthodox flavour appealed to many Hindu minds.雅利安社成为了反对伊斯兰教和基督教侵蚀的壁垒,它的保守传统迎合了很多印度人的思想。

9.They pked to taunt him when he came to fetch hot water for Lady Arya's bath.他们总在他为艾丽娅小姐来打洗澡水时取笑他。

10."Lady Arya was displeased with them, " he ped. "Her water was cold before it reached the tub last time. "“艾丽娅夫人不喜欢她们,”他撒了个谎。“上次她的洗澡水在倒到盆里前就全冷了。”