


美式发音: 英式发音: 






1.(书写形式)千克,公斤(in writing) kilogram(s)

10kg10 公斤



1.公斤 Kg( 公斤),底砂重约 Kg( 公斤,预计),总重量约 ...

2.质量 毫米/ mm 质量/ kg 高度/ cm ...

3.净重 内部尺寸 544×681×508 mm 净重 120 kg 燃料池( Fuel Cell) ...

4.重量 枪体全长:260 mm 重量:1.715 kg 沙漠之鹰的全称是: Desert Eagle ...

5.千克 厘米( cm) 千克( kg) ...

6.毛重 约尾( Closing) 毛重( kg) 净重( kg) ...

7.含底座重量 ... 索尼( SONY) 含底座重量( kg) 单屏重量( kg) ...

8.体重 身高: 195 cm 体重: 95 kg 拳力: 5t →7t ...


1.I have to admit, I love it when KG goes bonkers, but tonight I found it a pttle tough to swallow.我必须承认,我喜欢KG疯狂的样子,可今晚我却感到有点难以下咽。

2.John shook his head and went back to the market to ask and returned to inform the boss $1. 2 per kg.约翰摇摇头,归到市场往问,然后又归来告诉老板每公斤1.2美元。

3.KG is one of the most versatile big man of all time, as he is an excellent scorer, rebounder, passer, and defensive player.加内特是历史上最全能的大个子球员之一,他是一个出色的得分手,篮板手,传球手和防守球员。

4.Grapefruit juice, unfermented and not containing added spirit, nature, of a Brix value not exceeding 20, in a package less than 18 kg.未发酵及未加酒精之天然葡萄柚汁,糖度值不超过20,每包重量在18公斤以下者。

5.With an easy-to-read digital display, you can pft up to 100lbs (or 44 Kg), wait for the beep, set the luggage down and read the weight.一个易于阅读的数字显示,你可以举起来百磅(44公斤),等待提示音,设置行李下来阅读的重量。

6.When questioned how much weight gain was acceptable, people said anything over 3 kg would be a major turn-off.如果你问长胖多少可以接受的话,那么长胖一点点还是可以的,但如果超过3公斤,就会让人倒胃口。

7.The boss asked how much per kg?老板问他每公斤买多少钱?

8.Kang said he made it out of his personal love for Iron Man. The suit, weighing 50 kg, took him more than three months to make.王康说,制作钢铁侠套装是因为喜欢钢铁侠,这套装备重约50公斤,他用了三个多月时间制作完成。

9." Middle-aged man asked how much weight, young man said: " only 80 kg.中年人又问小伙子体重是多少,小伙子说:“只有80斤。”

10.When KG berates Glen Davis into the famous tear fest, KG is merely being aggressive and driven, while Kobe is just a jerk.当加内特痛斥格伦戴维斯的时候只是因为加内特的强好胜心和暴躁的脾气,其实科比也是一样。