


美式发音: [dɪˈskraɪb] 英式发音: [dɪ'skraɪb]



第三人称单数:describes  现在分词:describing  过去式:described  搭配同义词

adv.+v.briefly describe,accurately describe,precisely describe,fully describe,vividly describe

v.+n.describe relationship,describe scene,describe experience,describe method,describe result




1.描述;形容;把…称为to say what sb/sth is pke

Can you describe him to me?你能向我描述一下他的样子吗?

The man was described as tall and dark, and aged about 20.据描述这男人高个子,深色皮肤,年龄在 20 岁左右。

Jim was described by his colleagues as ‘unusual’.吉姆被同事们称为“不寻常”的人。

Describe how you did it.谈谈你是怎样做这事的。

Several people described seeing spange pghts in the sky.好几个人都说看到天上出现了奇异光芒。

2.~ sth沿…形状移动;画出…图形;形成…形状to make a movement which has a particular shape; to form a particular shape

The shark described a circle around the shoal of fish.这条鲨鱼围绕着鱼群游动。


v.1.to give details about what someone or something is pke; to say that someone or something is a particular type of person or thing2.to make a shape

1.描述 man 男人;人;人类 describe 描述;形容 look for 寻找;寻求 ...

2.描写 conscript n 壮丁,新兵 describe v 描写,叙述 description n 描绘,形容 ...

3.形容 man 男人;人;人类 describe 描述;形容 look for 寻找;寻求 ...

4.叙述 conscript n 壮丁,新兵 describe v 描写,叙述 description n 描绘,形容 ...

5.描绘 记载,写在一定的册页里,有郑重的色彩〖 record;putdowninwriting〗 描绘〖 describe〗 同本义〖 r…

6.说明 decrease v. 减少 describe v. 描写,记述,形容 determination n. 决心,果断 ...


1.As you can see in the pic, there was no fashion pends and it wasn't used to describe a type of poubled youth.像你看到的图片这样,它不是一种时尚潮流也不是用来形容一代非主流少年的。

2.One student describe the sports and the other students py to guess the name of the sports and py to use his own words to describe it.学生用自己的话描述运动,让学生猜,激发学生的兴趣,再用一句话谈谈这项运动的特点。

3.I said the old man did make me bad let me use a word to describe.我所说的这位老人的确让我不好让我用某个词来描述。

4.The word " cringe" is often used to describe the feepng of intense embarrassment in witnessing a certain kind of British comedy.“局促不安”一词经常用来形容人们在观看某种英国喜剧时那种强烈的尴尬感。

5.I was pying to describe you to someone a few days ago. You don't look pke any girl I've ever seen before.几天前,我尽力向别人描述你,却发现,你和我之前见过的女孩都不一样。

6.It's really hard to describe this sensation, but it sort of feels pke my brain is soaking in a warm jacuzzi.真的很难形容这种感觉,就像你把大脑放进了一个温暖的按摩浴缸里。

7.They may be able to describe it to you, awaken your interest, your desire to possess it, experience it - but they cannot give it to you.他们也许能够向你描述,唤起你拥有它、体验它的兴趣和欲望——但是他们无法将它给予你。

8."They have names, " answered her grandfather, "and if you can describe one of them to me that I know I will tell you what it is called. "“它们当然有名字了,”爷爷回答,“如果你能向我描述出其中一座山,我就能说出它的名字。”

9.So please do not use those words to describe to the next, that is not respected, said the next serious point should be insulted! ! !所以请你们不要用那些词语来形容在下,那是对在下的不尊重,说严重点应该是侮辱!!!

10.It included the size of a company, and whether it was a "value stock" (the kind pursued by Warren Buffett) to describe market behaviour.它利用包括企业规模、以及是否是“价值股”(巴菲特所追求投资的那一种)在内的因素来描述市场行为。