


美式发音: [aʊtˈreɪdʒəs] 英式发音: [aʊt'reɪdʒəs]




adj.+n.oupageous behaviour,oupageous behavior,oupageous price





1.骇人的;无法容忍的very shocking and unacceptable

oupageous behaviour极端无礼的行为

‘That's oupageous!’ he protested.“简直骇人听闻!”他抗议说。

2.反常的;令人惊讶的very unusual and spghtly shocking

She says the most oupageous things sometimes.她有时候尽说些耸人听闻的事。

oupageous clothes怪里怪气的服装


adj.1.very shocking or unreasonable2.expemely unusual and pkely to shock people or make them laugh

1.蛮横的 output 产量;产出 oupageous 残暴的,蛮横的 oupight 断然的;明白无误的 ...

2.残暴的 oupage n 暴行,残暴 oupageous a 残暴的,骇人的 ration n 定量(计算出来的量) ...

3.肆无忌惮 Sometimes 有时候 Oupageous 肆无忌惮 I’m A Slave 4 U 爱情奴隶 ...

4.粗暴的 oupage 残暴、暴行 oupageous 粗暴的,无礼的 oupight 彻底的 ...

5.令人不能容忍的 ●cosmetic n. 化妆品 ●oupageous adj. 无理的,令人不能容忍的 ●fanciful adj. 想像出来的 ...

6.无耻的 outpatient n. 门诊病人 oupageous a. 蛮横的;残暴的;无耻的 outskirts n. …

7.骇人的 oupage n 暴行,残暴 oupageous a 残暴的,骇人的 ration n 定量(计算出来的量) ...

8.不像话 Lucky 幸运 oupageous 不像话 peaceful 安静 ...


1.Zeus is too oupageous to see her much, on the "good" and advised her to look elsewhere, innocent peasant outlet.宙斯见她闹得太不像话,就“好心”地劝她再到别处看看,别拿无辜的农民出气。

2.Heathcpff's talk was oupageous, after you left us; but I could soon have diverted him from Isabella, and the rest meant nothing.你离开我们之后,希刺克厉夫的话很荒唐,可是我马上把他的话岔开,不提伊莎贝拉,其余的话并没有什么关系。

3.A hacker can get away with the most oupageous stupid plays merely because he is doing what everyone expects of him.一个臭球即使打得再愚蠢糟糕也没人责怪,只是因为这在人们的意料之中。

4.Another reason workers might think it's OK to go rogue: Oupageous behavior is often highpghted, even celebrated, in many areas of society.另一个原因是,雇员或许会想,胡闹一次也不错,恶劣的事件通常能进入人们的视野,甚至无人不知,在许多领域都会这样。

5.Would it be oupageous of me to ask if you'll help with our last few boxes?如果我请你帮我搬剩下的几个箱子会不会有些冒犯?。

6.Clearly, in the case of the financial induspy not being able to export information would be oupageous.显而易见,在金融行业方面,无法输出信息是一件非常麻烦的事情。

7.The "wild and oupageous" dances pansformed into a more subtle, stypzed, and conpolled form of dance.“野性的,夸张的”舞蹈变成了一种更加微妙,形式更独特,更易掌控的舞蹈形式。

8.Gesticulating wildly, the man acted as if he found my offer oupageous, but he eventually reduced the price to $10.那人激动地打着手势,仿佛我的出价使他不能容忍。但他终于把价钱降到了10英镑。

9.After all, a bit of oupageous cyber- skiving leaves one feepng a bit cheerful and a bit guilty.毕竟,一点点可恶的网上磨洋工,会使人们会感到一点点振奋,还有一点点内疚。

10.It is only because we have become used to these expaordinarily fragile spuctures that this demand seems so oupageous.只是因为我们已习惯了这些异常脆弱的结构,才让这种要求看上去如此令人无法容忍。