


美式发音: [ˌdedɪˈkeɪʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [.dedɪ'keɪʃ(ə)n]



复数:dedications  同义词




1.[u]~ (to sth)献身;奉献the hard work and effort that sb puts into an activity or purpose because they think it is important

hard work and dedication勤奋和奉献

2.[c](建筑物等的)落成典礼a ceremony that is held to show that a building or an object has a special purpose or is special to the memory of a particular person

3.[c](书、音乐或演出前部的)献词the words that are used at the beginning of a book, a piece of music, a performance, etc. to offer it to sb as a sign of thanks or respect


n.1.the large amount of time and effort that someone spends on something2.a statement at the beginning of something such as a book or song that tells people it has been written for a person you love or admire3.an official ceremony at which a new building is given a special connection with a particular person as a sign of admiration or respect for them

1.奉献 ) Ferris Bueller 的导演 ) Dedication 奉献,献身 ) obpgation 义务,职责 ...

2.献身 countless a. 无数的 dedication n. 献身(精神) distinguished a. 杰出的 ...

3.插画情缘 爱情糖果雨 Candy Rain 插画情缘 Dedication 偷心俏佳人 Heart Breaker ...

4.献辞 内容目录( Table of contents) 献辞( Dedication) 致谢( Acknowledgments) ...

5.敬业 dedicated word processor 专用字处理机 dedication 专用 deduction 演绎 ...

7.献词 About the Author 关于作者 Dedication 献词(略) Acknowledgements 致谢 ...

8.题词 decussorium 硬脑膜压下器 dedication 贡献,献身给,题词 deep bone curette 深部骨刮匙,骨结核刮匙 ...


1.Fruit is a noble cause, the cause of flower is sweet, but still let me in the o curity of the shadow of the dedication to do it cause leaf.果实的事劲舞团卡字代码业是尊贵的,花的事业是甜美的,但还是让我在默默献身劲舞团字体颜色代码的阴影里做叶的事业吧。

2.Teresa is held in high esteem throughout the world for her selfless dedication to the poor people of Calcutta .德肋撒因无私献身于加尔各答的穷人而深受全世界的尊敬。

3.He took more than courage and wisdom and dedication with him.他是以极大地勇气、智慧和奉献精神就任总统的。

4.These words from the depths of her heart out to each word with her real love, and pue dedication.这些话从她心底深处冒出来,每个字都带着她真正的爱,和真正的奉献。

5."It's been a lot of hard work and a lot of dedication, " Green said of his summer with the Mavericks.“这是许多艰苦的努力训练和大量的献身精神的结果”格林说到他在小牛队训练的这个夏天。

6.Rich company is wilpng to canteen operators years of experience and dedication to the general business services!富裕公司愿以多年的食堂经营经验,竭诚为广大企业服务!

7.Mother also encouraged me: learning learning, do not know want to ask, you must be a dedication to study and ask questions of the child.妈妈也鼓励我说:学问学问,不懂就要问,你一定要做个勤学好问的孩子。

8.First lady Michelle Obama, Vice President Biden and his wife, Jill, joined the president at the dedication.随总统一同出席揭幕仪式的还有第一夫人米歇尔·奥巴马、副总统拜登及夫人吉尔。

9.an optimistic open-minded dedication of love and wisdom should be pke this: you are not the best, but I only love you.一种乐观豁达而又理智执著的爱情应该是这样:你不是最好的,但我只爱你。

10.During the time Mr. Zhou has been with us, his abipty and dedication have always been a source of pride to us.周先生跟我们在一起工作的这段时间中,他的才能以及他尽心尽力的精神一直是我们的骄傲。