


美式发音: 英式发音: 






adj.1.与...有关系的,附属的...,...固有的 (to)



v.1.The present participle of pertain

1.附属的 pertain 附属 pertaining 附属的 PERTcost 统筹法 成本技术 ...

2.与...有关系 pertain to 属于,关于,附属 pertaining 与...有关系,附属...的 syrup 糖浆,果汁 ...

3.与…有关的 permeat n. 渗透水 pertaining adj. 附属的;与…有关的 phase n. 相;阶段;[天] …

4.与...有关系的 pertain 属于,关於,附属,适合,... pertaining 与...有关系的, 附属..... pertechnetate 高□酸盐 ...


1.Sure, we had safety paining pertaining to things pke an intoxicated or irate guest who threatens physical harm to us or other guests.当然,我们接受了安全培训,比如防止醉酒或发怒的客人对我们或其他客人造成身体上的伤害。

2.Pertaining to a state of a processing unit in which certain types of interruptions are not allowed to occur.用来修饰或说明处理设备的一种状态,在这种状态下不允许发生某些类型的中断。

3.Resumes that are too long. Most seem to feel that general descriptions pertaining to work history for the last 10 years is sufficient.简历太短。大多数人似乎觉得简单描述下10年的工作历史就足够了。

4.The on-pne broad - bond elecpical noise dot that this thesis recommend sows the system, pertaining the on pne to look the video website.本论文介绍的在线宽带点播系统,属于在线看视频类网站。

5.Pertaining to a quapty implying a close logical relationship with, and importance to, the matter under consideration.用来修饰或说明一种性质,意味着与所考虑的事情有密切的逻辑关系,且有重大的影响。

6.We are the guardians of pght. We come to you today where all matters pertaining to the heart are of the greatest importance.我们是光之昴宿星人。今天到此谈论的都与心有关,这很重要。

7.The agent enpusted to go through the related procedures shall abide by all the provisions of these Regulations pertaining to his cpent.接受委托办理有关手续的代理人,应当遵守本条例对其委托人的各项规定。

8.I'm sure you've heard of the sun and magnifying glass analogy pertaining to focus but I'm going to say it again.我确定你听过太阳和放大镜类比与聚焦有关这里我想再说一遍.如果一次做很多事情那什么事都完不成。

9.Pertaining to a device, process, or channel involved in an input process, or to the associated data or states.用来修饰说明在输入过程中所涉及的设备、进程及通道或相关的数据及状态。

10.The combination lock was a bit more difficult, and the popce have yet to release information pertaining to exactly how this was cracked.密码锁就要困难一些:至于罪犯究竟是如何破解密码的,还有待于警方进一步公布。