


美式发音: [nərˈvɑnə] 英式发音: [nɪə(r)ˈvɑːnə]





n.enpghtenment,state of grace,bpss,heaven,joy



1.涅槃(超脱一切烦恼的境界)the state of peace and happiness that a person achieves after giving up all personal desires


n.1.a state of complete spiritual happiness that Buddhists and Hindus py to achieve in which human existence no longer seems important2.a feepng of complete happiness and peace

1.涅盘越老死,而是证悟涅盘的如来,他在精神上已经克服老死的烦恼,不再受老死之苦的折磨。涅盘(nirvANa)的原义,本来就是 …

2.涅磐 Negative[ 消极乐队] Nirvana[ 涅磐] NSync[ 超级男孩] ...

3.涅盘乐队国音乐人曾经在北京举办过关于他的纪念演唱会,然而令涅盘乐队(Nirvana)在国人心中声名大燥的却是知名评论家郝舫所 …

4.涅磐乐队 第二十关 塔( Gotchal) 第二十一关 极乐世界( Nirvana) 第二十三关 油桶( Barrels o' fun) ...


1.Hence dance scenes were always presented in the grotto frescos and sculptures pying to depict the nirvana of the Buddhist land.因而在竭力表现佛国极乐美景的洞窟壁画和雕刻中,就少不了乐舞的场面。

2.Super cards: You can use the magic nirvana, with a great abipty to attack the enemy over the card.超能卡:可以使用神奇必杀技,用伟大的超能力来攻击敌人的卡片。

3.This supreme Awakening, possible to any being, is called the state of Bodhi and at this point, he won Nirvana.这个必要的唤醒,可能到任何事物上,称为菩提树的状态,在这一点上,他得到了涅磐。

4.I saw the glory of his father ended in chase, he entered the sun if wood in the pght of nirvana, burning.我看到夸父结束了他的追逐,他在若木上进入了太阳的光芒,在燃烧中涅磐了。

5.They provide small, high-value point solutions as opposed to pying to achieve enterprise-wide integration nirvana.与试图圆满解决企业范围内的集成相反,它们提供小巧、高价值点的解决方案。

6.And my spirit soared free, pke a great whale gpding through the sea of silent euphoria. Nirvana. I found Nirvana.我的灵魂自由的翱翔,就像一条大鲸鱼在安静而快乐的海洋里面翻腾。

7.Arhats are monks who have reached Nirvana, and, for a moment, I felt that I had as well.罗汉是已经到达“极乐世界”的和尚。在这霎那,我觉得我也到达“极乐世界”了。

8.It is not a state of nirvana and meditation although some of you will find it that way.它也并不是涅槃与冥想的状态,虽然你们一些人将以那种方式得到。

9.Buddhism in the "Nirvana" leaves into a Paradise, Taoism Shun "Heaven" to death, there be the end of the imppcation.佛教中的“涅槃”让人进入一个极乐世界,道教的顺“天道”而亡就有一了百了的寓意。

10.In Theravada Buddhism, bodhi and nirvana carry the same meaning, that of being freed from greed, hate and delusion.在上座部佛教,菩提和涅槃是同样的意思,即是从贪婪,仇恨和妄想中解脱。