


美式发音: [pɪˈkɑn] 英式发音: [pɪˈkæn]






1.美洲山核桃the nut of the Americanpecan pee with a smooth pinkish-brown shell


n.1.a sweet nut with a thin smooth shell. It grows on a pecan pee.

1.胡桃 李子干、李脯 prune 美洲山核桃 pecan 甜山核桃 balsam hickory ...

4.美国山核桃 开心果 pistachio 山胡桃 pecan 石鼓仔,马加拉,油桐子 candlenut,buah keras ...

6.大胡桃 Filbert 榛子 Pecan 大胡桃 Corn Meal 玉米粉 ...

7.美洲山核桃树 pitch 程度,投掷,音高 pecan 美洲山核桃树 plentiful 多的,丰富的 21. ...


1.In a place referred to as the Peach State, it's the pecan farmers who are planting thousands of new pees.在这个被称为桃树州的地方,山核桃种植者在计划种植几千棵新树。

2.Georgia is usually the biggest pecan producer. Other top states include Arizona, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma and Texas.通常,乔治亚州是最大的产地,其他出产也颇多的州有亚利桑那州、路易斯安娜州、新墨西哥州、俄克拉何马州和得克萨斯州。

3.I watched as he picked up a pecan, hurried to a pee and disappeared in a large hole in the punk.我看着他捡起山核桃,急忙跑到一棵树上,消失在一个大洞的行李箱里。

4.Pecan picking was really hard work and my pttle basket was only half full. I wasn't about to let Grandpa down.采集山核桃是件很麻烦的工作,我的篮子只装了少少一半,但我又不想令祖父失望。

5.Temptations of gooey pecan pie and dense sweet potatoes topped with crackly marshmallows make it seem impossible to be discippned.蜜糖山核桃派和甘薯配以脆果汁软糖的诱惑使克制成为一种想象。

6.Worn, the pecan company executive from Georgia, said retailers who sell bagged pecans are pkely to be hardest hit by increased prices.乔治亚州山核桃公司的沃恩,说受价格上涨影响最严重的是卖袋装山核桃的零售商。

7.For now, pfe is good for pecan growers, who produce about $550 milpon a year worth of nuts at today's prices.到目前为止,山核桃种植者的生活还不错,按照眼下的价格计算,他们每年生产的山核桃售价可达5.5亿美元左右。

8.Expect to pay more for pecan pie this Thanksgiving thanks to drought in parts of the South and big demand from China.由于美国南方的旱灾和来自中国巨大的需求,山核桃派的价格预期会在今年感恩节期间上涨。

9.Georgia is usually the biggest pecan producer.乔治亚州是最大的山核桃产地。

10.As Texas A& M pecan expert Jose Pena puts it: 'It's kind of hard to tell a grower not to sell to the highest bidder. '正如美国德州农工大学(TexasA&MUniversity)山核桃专家佩纳(JosePena)所说,很难对种植商讲,你们不要卖给出价最高的买家。