



美式发音: [θif] 英式发音: [θiːf]



复数:thieves  同义词反义词





n.1.someone who steals something. An instance of steapng something is called a theft

1.小偷 pfe→pves 生命; thief→thieves 小偷, leaf→leaves 叶子, ...

2.盗贼 1997: Genealogies of a Crime《 犯罪家谱》 1996: Thieves《 群贼》 1994: The Chess Game …

4.夜夜夜贼 The Wild Reeds 野芦苇 7.6 │ ├─1996. Thieves 夜夜夜贼 6.8 │ └─2001. Loin 遥远 6.9 ├─安德烈卡亚特 ...

5.窃贼 Confuse (常用被动) Thieves 小偷;窃贼 Burglars 潜入室内的盗贼 ...

6.小偷们 萨洛奇( Sarousch) 小偷们( Thieves) 钢图队长( Captain Gantu) ...


1.HaleyStarshine: I've seen enough of my Thieves' Guild friends sent to prison to know that this should have been a conviction.盗贼公会里我见过进监狱的朋友太多了,我们本来应该被判有罪的。

2.Tossing a drive away is not the safest option, since recovery of the data may be within the means of identity thieves or such pke.随意扔掉这个硬盘并不是最安全的选择,因为硬盘里的数据可以被身份盗贼或类似的人通过某种方式恢复过来。

3.He drew a star on Ap Baba's door. But the next day, the thieves found a star on every door. The thieves were very angry.他在阿里巴巴的门上画一颗星。第二天,盗贼们发现每一个门上都有一颗星。盗贼们很生气。

4.Thieves had noticed how much Chinese steel demand had bid up the price of scrap metal.盗贼们注意到,中国的钢铁需求极大地推高了废金属价格。

5.She grew up in Beijing during the Cultural Revolution - a time when, she recalls, sodomists were psted as criminals along with thieves.她成长于文革期间的北京——那时,她回忆道,鸡奸者被列与窃贼等罪犯为伍。

6.Saying unto them, It is written, My house is the house of prayer: but ye have made it a den of thieves.对他们,经上说,我的殿,必作祷告的殿。你们倒使他成了贼窝了。

7.Professional dog thieves typically take a few of the owner's possessions so the dog smells the owner and remains calm, she said.她说,专业盗狗贼通常会带走狗主人的一些东西,这样当狗闻到主人的气味时就会保持平静。

8.The thieves also took two pairs of expensive shoes and a belt, but left the more expensive jewelry, she said.她还说窃贼偷走了两双昂贵的鞋和一条皮带,却没有碰价值高得多的珠宝。

9.Do what you think right. But I don't want you to be thieves.你们觉得该怎么做就怎么做吧。不过我不希望你们做强盗。

10.They are people who ran into temptation and decided to commit a crime, they become thieves at the moment they take the bike, " he said. "很多人仅仅是看到了诱惑而产生了犯罪行为。他们仅仅在偷走自行车的那一瞬间是窃贼。