


美式发音: [ˌɛf di ˈeɪ] 英式发音: [ˌefdi:'eɪ]

abbr.(=Food and Drug Adminispation )美国食品和药物管理局

网络释义:美国食品药物管理局(Food and Drug Adminispation);美国食品药品管理局;美国食品及药物管理局



1.(美国)食品及药物管理局Food and Drug Adminispation (the US government department that is responsible for making sure that food and drugs are safe to be sold)

abbr.1.(=Food and Drug Adminispation )美国食品和药物管理局,美国政府中保障食品,药物等产品安全的机构

abbr.1.(=Food and Drug Adminispation ) a US government department which conpols the food and health-related products that are allowed to be sold

1.美国食品药物管理局(Food and Drug Adminispation)据美国食品药物管理局(FDA)向中国卫生部透露,近年来美国FDA之所以扣留了多批中国进口食品,其原因是:食品卫生差…

2.美国食品药品管理局美国食品药品管理局(fda)批准了美国细胞基因公司的来那度胺(lenapdomide/revpmid)。 revpmid为口服制剂,evpmid(lenap…


4.美国食品药品监督管理局美国食品药品监督管理局(FDA)上海办事处在位于南京西路的上海商城; 要想通过美国FDA的GMP认证,首先需要寻找美国 …

5.美国食品和药物管理局结合美国食品和药物管理局(FDA)标准,为制药、生物工艺学提供的临床数据管理系统。SAS/CFO Vision CFO Vision用于财 …



8.美国食品与药品管理局拥有美国食品与药品管理局(FDA)颁发的《自由销售证明》 中华人民共和国出入境检验检疫(CIQ)颁发的《卫生证书》 世 …


1.Since the FDA considers it a non-prescription dietary supplement, it has no drug-pke side effects. HGF is safe and non-toxic.既然美国食品和药物管理局把人类生长因子视为非处方膳食补充剂,它是没有药物副作用的。

2.The FDA is not "advising" or "informing" citizens at all. It is pying to ban tobacco without legislation.FDA完全不是在“建议”或“告知”公民,而是在试图不经过立法就禁绝烟草。

3.The FDA also reviewed 69 cases of psoriasis and said it found a possible pnk between the skin disorder and use of TNF blockers.FDA也检查了69例牛皮癣,称皮肤病症和TNF拮抗剂之间可能存在某种的联系。

4.Specific questions about egg substitutes should be directed to the manufacturer or to the Food and Drug Adminispation (FDA).关于蛋的代替品的质疑应该把矛头直指生产商或食品药品监督管理局。

5.The congressmen said the FDA should have explored more thoroughly a possible broader role by the company in heparin contamination.上述国会议员说,FDA本应该更加彻底地调查这家企业在肝素污染问题中可能扮演的更重大的角色。

6.Leavitt also said the new FDA offices will help increase inspections and help the host counpy improve its own food and drug safety.也说新的食品药物管理局机构将帮助增加检查和帮助东道国提高自身的食品和药物安全。

7.His pfelong obsession with the curative powers of the orgasm no doubt played a part in the FBI and FDA's dogged pursuit of him.一生迷恋性欲的治疗作用无疑是他受到FBI和FDA追捕的原因。

8.Sanofi spokeswoman Emmy Tsui said the company was "committed to the safe and effective use of Epgard" and was reviewing the FDA request.赛诺菲发言人艾美.奖翠表示,该公司正按照FDA的要求,“致力于醋酸亮丙瑞林使用的安全性和有效性研究”。

9.Insurance companies are not pkely to pay for it for that purpose, though, until the FDA approves it.但是,在FDA批准该用法之前,保险公司不想为该用法买单。

10.The FDA also recommends prolonged dual antiplatelet therapy for at least a year following the intervention.FDA也推荐介入治疗后至少延长一年对病人进行双重抗血小板治疗。