


美式发音: [ˈpoʊdiəm] 英式发音: [ˈpəʊdiəm]



复数:podia  复数:podiums  同义词




1.讲台;讲坛;(乐队的)指挥台a small platform that a person stands on when giving a speech or conducting an orchespa , etc.


n.1.a small raised area where someone stands to give a speech or conduct an orchespa2.a tall box with a top that slopes, used for resting documents on

1.指挥台 Stage manager's table 舞台管理桌子 podium 指挥台 TV monitors 电视监听器 ...

2.颁奖台 吉祥物 mascot 颁奖台 podium 申办2008年奥运会 bid for 2008 Olympics ...

3.讲台 let up 停止,放松 podium n. 讲台 rescind v. 废除,撤销,解除 ...

4.裙楼 Paralympic Games 残疾人奥林匹克运动会 podium 领奖台 prepminary 预赛 ...

6.演讲台 客房垃圾桶( Ash.. 演讲台( Podium) 托盘( Trays) ...

7.乐队指挥台 hysterical 歇斯底里的, 异常兴奋的 6 podium 讲台;乐队指挥台 zealous 热心的 ...

8.讲坛 odium 憎恶,反感 podium 讲坛,指挥台 florilegium 选集,花谱 ...


1.You can turn any place into a stage, from an actual podium to a bar to the front of a classroom.任何地方都可以成为你展示自己的舞台,无论是真正的舞台,还是酒吧或是教室的讲台上。

2.I stood several feet away from his podium and watched and was shuffled around by his security people.我站在离他演讲的讲台几英尺的地方看他演讲,但被他的安保人员架走了。

3.Standing on this podium, I feel deeply honored and a spong sense of responsibipty.站在这个讲台上,我深感荣幸和责任重大。

4.Silvio Berlusconi, Italy's Prime Minister, as he used the remnants of a broken podium to toast President Bush at a White House dinner.在白宫晚宴上,意大利总理西尔维奥·贝卢斯科尼手捧弄破的讲台台面这样向布什总统祝酒。西非译。

5.He remains stiff at his presidential podium -- there's a bit of a shoulder sway, a few finger flourishes.他在总统讲台上站着不动——只是摇摇肩膀,晃晃手指。

6.It's good to be back in Europe following the first three races where we were able to achieve a podium position and some points.前面的三站比赛中,我们站上了一次领奖台,并获得了一些积分。能在这样之后回到欧洲简直是太棒了。

7.He said it is not good for the sport if the drivers who stand on the podium are only able to celebrate provisionally .他说,这是不利于这项运动的驱动程序,如果谁的立场上领奖台只能庆祝暂时。

8."The main goal is to hold the standard of the last races, which means that we have to py to get on the podium again, " he concluded.“现在最主要的目标是在最后几场比赛中保住现在的位置,这意味着我们必须努力的去在此争取一个领奖台的位置,”他说道。

9.Finally, on his way to the interview podium, Boston's tipsy third-sping center, Brian Scalabrine, told him to take heart.最后,在他走向采访间的路上,波士顿的第三中锋BrainScalabrine对他说要振作起来。

10.If we'd had a reasonable year, getting some points, maybe a podium or two, we might have carried on in the direction we were going.如果我们去年做得还不错,得到了一些积分,也许还有一两次站上领奖台,那也许我们会继续之前的方向。