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2.景子景子(keiko) 发表于22:57:00 | 阅读全文 | 评论 0 | 编辑 | 分享 0个人资料 链接 什么是RSS?

3.山田圭子在小室哲哉与山田圭子(Keiko)的婚礼上闹场globe, 小室哲哉, 软式Globe 史大侠 发表在 痞客邦 PIXNET 留言(3) 引用(0) 人气(…

4.惠子   惠子(Keiko)、道子(Michiko) 和 Takae 虽然都是日本人,来美国之前彼此并不认识。因缘际会,四个女人飘洋过海后却在不同的 …

5.庆子第四章重在检视庆子(Keiko)及真理子(Mariko)对於无力抵抗母亲们远行的决定而处於无所依归的窘境。末章则重申家不再 …


1.So Keiko's influence (on my work) was that she dragged me to this movie!而惠子对我的影响(就工作而言)嘛,是她把我给拖下了水(笑)!

2.There is no place I would rather be than with you and Keiko.除了与你和惠子在一起,我哪儿也不愿去。

3.Most of the Peruvian middle-class, however, seem to fear Keiko's opponent even more.但秘鲁大部分中产阶级似乎更担心庆子的竞争对手。

4.That sense of interconnectedness has motivated Keiko Eda, a volunteer at Peace Winds Japan, a humanitarian repef organization in Tokyo.这种相互联系的感觉启发了惠子埃达。她在东京一个名为“东瀛和平风”(PeaceWindsJapan)的人道主义救援机构做志愿者。

5.But Keiko Takemiya, dean of the manga program at Kyoto Seika University and a famed manga artist, said there were differences.不过京都精华大学漫画专业院长,著名漫画家KeikoTakemiya坚称这其中存在着差异。

6.Keiko Ochiai, a well-known feminist essayist, joined the Nobel laureate at the head of the march.知名的女权主义随笔作家落合惠子也和诺贝尔奖得主大江健三郎一起走在游行队伍的最前面。

7.Keiko Arimoto While studying in London, she was lured to Copenhagen on the pretence of a job interview in July 1983.还在伦敦念书的KeikoArimoto于1983年7月被诱骗到哥本哈根,有人骗她在那里有一场工作面试。

8.Daniel Shin, responsible for Keiko's Middle Eastern business, says his three main target markets are Saudi Arabia, Iran and Dubai.负责Keico中东业务的DanielShin表示,他的3个主要目标市场是沙特、伊朗和迪拜。

9.San Diego natives Lola, dressed as her US Marine father and Keiko, as her Navy Seal uncle, huddle amidst the stars and spipes.圣地亚哥居民罗拉乔装成了她的美国海军父亲的模样;惠子则打扮成她在海豹突击队的叔叔的造型。她俩一起簇拥在星条之中。

10.The faculty's teaching staff includes To Terra creator Keiko Takemiya and manga panslator and cultural anthropologist Matt Thorn.漫画系的师资包括《奔向地球》的创作人竹宫惠子和漫画翻译、文化人类学家马特•索恩。