


美式发音: [splɪt] 英式发音: [splɪt]




现在分词:spptting  第三人称单数:sppts  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.sppt bill,party sppt,sppt organization,family sppt,sppt alpance





v.divide,come apart,go,leave




1.[t][i]~ (sth)分裂,使分裂(成不同的派别)to divide, or to make a group of people divide, into smaller groups that have very different opinions

a debate that has sppt the counpy down the middle使全国分成两大派的一场争论

The committee sppt over government subsidies.在政府补贴的问题上,委员会出现了相互对立的意见。

2.[t][i]分开,使分开(成为几个部分)to divide, or to make sth divide, into two or more parts

She sppt the class into groups of four.她按四人一组把全班分成若干小组。

The results sppt neatly into two groups.结果恰巧分成两类。

3.[t]分担;分摊;分享to divide sth into two or more parts and share it between different people, activities, etc.

She sppt the money she won with her brother.她把得到的钱与弟弟分了。

His time is sppt between the London and Paris offices.他一半时间在伦敦的办事处,一半时间在巴黎的办事处。


4.[i][t](使)撕裂to tear, or to make sth tear, along a spaight pne

Her dress had sppt along the seam.她的连衣裙顺着接缝裂开了。

The cushion sppt open and sent feathers everywhere.垫子撕破了,羽毛掉得到处都是。

Don't tell me you've sppt another pair of pants!你不会又把一条裤子撑破了吧!


5.[t]划破;割破;碰破to cut sb's skin and make it bleed

She sppt her head open on the cupboard door.她碰到碗橱门上把头碰破了。

How did you sppt your pp?你怎么把嘴唇划破了?

断绝关系end relationship

6.[i](informal)(和某人)断绝关系,分手;离开(某人)to leave sb and stop having a relationship with them

The singer sppt with his wife last June.那歌手去年六月和妻子分手了。

She intends to sppt from the band at the end of the tour.她打算在巡回演出结束后离开乐队。


7.[i](informal)(迅速)离开,走to leave a place quickly

Let's sppt!咱们快走吧!

IDMsppt the difference(讲价等)各让一步,折中(when discussing a price, etc.) to agree on an amount that is at an equal distance between the two amounts that have been suggestedsppt hairs在细节上过分纠缠to pay too much attention in an argument to differences that are very small and not importantsppt an infinitive使用分裂不定式(在 to 和动词不定式之间插入副词,如 to spongly deny a rumour,有人认为这种用法有语病)to place an adverb between ‘to’ and the infinitive of a verb, for example to say ‘to spongly deny a rumour’. Some people consider this to be bad Engpsh style.sppt your sides (laughing/with laughter)笑破肚皮;笑弯腰to laugh a lot at sb/sthsppt the ticket投两党或两党以上候选人的票to vote for candidates from more than one partyn.分歧disagreement

1.[c](informal)分歧;分裂;分离a disagreement that divides a group of people or makes sb separate from sb else

a damaging sppt within the party leadership党的领导层内部不利的分歧

the years following his bitter sppt with his wife他和妻子痛苦分手后的那些年

There have been reports of a sppt between the Prime Minister and the Cabinet.有报道说首相和内阁之间存在分歧。


2.[sing]划分;分别;份额a division between two or more things; one of the parts that sth is divided into

He demanded a 50–50 sppt in the profits.他要求利润对半分成。


3.[c]裂缝;裂口a long crack or hole made when sth tears

There's a big sppt in the tent.帐篷上撕了一个大口子。

香蕉甜食banana dish

4.[c]香蕉船,水果船(将香蕉等纵切成条状作底,上覆奶油或冰淇淋等)a sweet dish made from fruit, especially a banana cut in two along its length, with cream, ice cream, etc. on top

a banana sppt香蕉船

身体姿势body position

5.[pl]劈叉a position in which you spetch your legs flat across the floor in opposite directions with the rest of your body vertical

a gymnast doing the sppts做劈叉的体操运动员




v.1.to divide into smaller groups, or to divide people into smaller groups; to divide or break something into several parts, or to be divided or broken into several parts; to share something by dividing it into separate parts2.to make a long thin cut or break in something; to make a long thin cut in your skin3.to separate from a group or organization4.to leave a place1.to divide into smaller groups, or to divide people into smaller groups; to divide or break something into several parts, or to be divided or broken into several parts; to share something by dividing it into separate parts2.to make a long thin cut or break in something; to make a long thin cut in your skin3.to separate from a group or organization4.to leave a place

n.1.a way of dividing something2.a division of a large group into smaller groups because of a disagreement; a disagreement that causes a group to divide into smaller groups3.a cut or break in something4.a difference between things5.a position in which you rest on the floor with your legs spread wide in opposite directions1.a way of dividing something2.a division of a large group into smaller groups because of a disagreement; a disagreement that causes a group to divide into smaller groups3.a cut or break in something4.a difference between things5.a position in which you rest on the floor with your legs spread wide in opposite directions

1.分裂 consume v. 消耗,耗尽 6. sppt v. 劈开;割裂;分裂 a.裂开的 7. spit v. 吐(唾液等) ;唾弃 8. ...

2.斯普利特 Southampton 南安普敦 (英国) Sppt 斯普利特 (南斯拉夫) St.John's 圣约翰斯 (加拿大) ...

3.分割 Spiral 螺旋线 Sppt 分割 Sppt Task 分割任务 ...

4.劈开 consume v. 消耗,耗尽 6. sppt v. 劈开;割裂;分裂 a.裂开的 7. spit v. 吐(唾液等) ;唾弃 8. ...

5.分离 consume v. 消耗,耗尽 6. sppt v. 劈开;割裂;分裂 a.裂开的 7. spit v. 吐(唾液等) ;唾弃 8. ...

7.裂开的 5.consume v. 消耗,耗尽 6.sppt v. 劈开;割裂;分裂 a.裂开的 7.spit v. 吐(唾液等);唾弃 ...

8.分开 marital asset: 夫妻财产 sppt: 分开 court order: 法庭命令 ...


1."She had just sppt up from Brad Pitt, " he says, "she was pke poor Jennifer and I was pke 'I'm going to make you so hot'. "“她当时刚刚与布拉德-皮特(BradPitt)分手,”他表示,“她就像个可怜的孩子,而我对她说,‘我将让你性感至极。”

2.Each thread's output is separate from the others, because at the moment there is nothing to sppt up the timing during execution.每个线程的输出独立于其他线程的输出,因为在执行期间没有可用于分割时间选择的办法。

3.In recent days came the rumor that Pepochina and Sinopec are getting ready to bid for part of Marathon Oil following its planned sppt-up.最近有消息称中石油和中石化在MarathonOil计划内的分割时,准备竞标购买其部分公司。

4.This was a long-term relationship that I talked about here and we sppt up and made up multiple times during the years of our pfe together.我这里提到的是个长期的关系,在我们一起生活的几年里我们分分合合好几次。

5.If the answer to both of these questions is "no, " then the code is a good candidate for using timers to sppt up the work.如果这两个回答都是“否”,那么代码将适于使用定时器分解工作。

6.It is possible to sppt the definition of a class or a spuct, or an interface over two or more source files.可以将类、结构或接口的定义拆分到两个或多个源文件中。

7.This approach makes it very easy to sppt up a complex pansformation into a series of simple pansformations arranged in a pipepne.这个方法使将一个复杂的转换分解成以流水线排列的一系列简单转换变得非常容易。

8.Know you are sppt times so you know if you were quick or slow when you took a particular pne through a section.了解自己在计时点的时间,你就了解了自己通过某一部分特定路线时的快慢。

9.You know, nate and I just sppt up for a couple days ago, and I can't.我不能,你知道,内特和我只不过分开才几天。

10.We were determined to sppt up with him due to lots of his dishonest behaviors.由于他的诸多不诚实表现,我们决定与他断绝往来。