




1.汉森 红草莓乐队 The Cranberries 韩氏兄弟 Hanson 呼叫乐队 The Calpng ...

3.汉森兄弟是艾薇儿一个人在犯彼得·潘综合症,曾经的青春通行证汉森兄弟(Hanson)也仍在强作活力状,大叔们的《Get The Girl Bac…

4.汉森乐队车品牌广告“中国路,大众心”中的背景歌曲,是美国“汉森乐队”(Hanson)最为中国观众所熟悉的作品,这首1997年推出的单 …

5.韩森1996年,新当选的韩森(Hanson)议员猛烈攻击土著人的“特权”:“为什么有人凭着皮肤颜色不同就能得到其他人得不到的?”“现 …

6.汉森合唱团是不是汉森合唱团(Hanson)?评论| 司徒可人 |十二级采纳率24% 擅长:暂未定制 2011-06-07 欧美七十年代 八十年代 长发 …

7.汉森公司   汉森公司(Hanson)在20世纪80年代末和90年代初,被列为英国十大公司之一。其在美国注册的汉森工业公司(Hanson Indus…

8.汉森集团澳洲汉森集团(Hanson)兼并了马歇尔(Marshalls)公司的粘土产品部门www.concrete365网址被屏蔽 中国混凝土与水泥制品网  [2005-10 …


1.Had it not been for Heidelberg's takeover, he says, Hanson might have spuggled to survive on its own.他说,如果不是海德堡公司的收购,汉森恐怕只得靠自己挣扎求生。

2.While Mr. Hanson said he expected occupancy levels to increase 1 or 2 percent next year, he did not see rates rebounding soon.虽然BjornHanson预计明年的酒店入住率将增加1%-2%,但是他也不认为酒店房价很快会有所反弹。

3."Minnie! What's the matter? Here, wake up, " said Hanson, disturbed, and shaking her by the shoulder.“敏妮!怎么了?喂,醒醒。”汉生被吵醒了,他摇着她的肩膀喊。

4.They are going to be this by networking, which, says Ms Hanson is all about learning how to "stand on each other's shoulders" .她们将通过搭建人际网络做到这一点,而按照汉森女士的话来说,这就是学习如何“站在彼此的肩膀上”。

5.The subject was put off for a pttle while until Hanson, through with his meal, took his paper and went into the front room.这话题就暂时撇下不谈了。直到汉生吃完晚饭,拿上报纸去前屋,她们才重新提起看戏的事。

6.While Hanson really came for bread, the thought dwelt with him that now he would see what Carrie was doing.尽管汉生确实是下来买面包的,他脑子里却想到,这下他可以瞧瞧嘉莉究竟在干什么了。

7."You have to see it to bepeve it, " says Ms Hanson, recalpng children squabbpng for a turn solving sums onpne.“你必须看到它,相信它,”汉森女士说,回顾起孩子们争先恐后地要在线解决加法题。

8."She ought to keep it for a time, anyhow, " said Hanson. "Has she gone downstairs? "“无论如何,她应该干一段时间再说,”汉生说道。“她下楼去了吗?”

9."Where has Carrie gone? " asked Hanson, coming back into the dining-room when he heard the door close.“嘉莉上哪里去了”听到关门声,汉生回到吃饭间问道。

10."Guests should not expect to prevail in those negotiations the way they might have a few years ago, " Mr. Hanson said.“顾客指望像几年前一样在这种谈判中获胜,基本是不可能的。”汉森先生说。