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1.兰迪 Randa 可钦佩 ; 可爱的 Randi 避开狼 Rani 皇后 ...

5.生成整数随机数 ... 3.2.9 randperm 生成随机整数排列/58 3.2.10 randi 生成整数随机数/59 3.2.12 minmax 求最大/最小值/60 ...

6.洛洛 ... 买家:酷爱时尚 show 2012-12-05 买家:洛洛 randi 2012-12-05 买家:玩美 tomorrow 2012-12-04 ...

7.生成整数乱数 ... 3.2.9 randperm 生成随机整数排列 3.2.10 randi 生成整数乱数 3.2.12 minmax 求最大/最小值 ...


1.As Mr. Randi sat on a chair, the two men tightly bound his arms to his thighs with a rope.当Randi先生在一张椅子上坐下的时候,两个人用一根绳子紧紧地绑在一起。一个绑着胳膊,一个绑着大腿。

2.But Randi Weingarten, president of the American Federation of Teachers, declared herself "pleased" by the choice.国家教师联合会的主席兰迪•温加滕说,她对选择邓肯非常满意。

3.RANDI KAYE, CNN CORRESPONDENT: We take our shoes off, remove our laptops, and toss our bottled water all in the name of safety.CNN记者,RANDIKAYE:我们脱掉鞋子,淘汰便携式电脑,扔掉瓶装水,这一切都是以安全的名义。

4."I can do it! " chimed in Randi, not quite sure what was happening but not wanting to be left out.“我可以做到!”兰迪插嘴道。他不确定在发生什么事,但不想自己被遗漏。

5.But it is much harder to argue with Randi Weingarten, the articulate head of the American Federation of Teachers.但要跟兰迪•温加藤争论就费劲多了,她可是美国教师联合会的头头,口齿伶俐。

6."When Sheryl joined, we were missing the layer right below the senior-executive team, " Randi Zuckerberg said.在“当谢丽尔加入时,我们正缺少高管的直属下层人员,”兰迪•扎克伯格说。

7.Facebook marketing director Randi Zuckerberg , told Marie Claire that using real names could alleviate cyber bullying.同时,脸书市场总监RandiZuckerberg,告诉MarieClaire使用真名可以抑制网络欺凌。

8."We are preparing for numbers that easily outweigh the inauguration, " said Randi Zuckerberg, Facebook's marketing director.“我们已经做好准备,统计数据将轻松超越奥巴马的就职典礼。”Facebook的营销总监兰蒂‧扎克伯格说到。

9.According to his Facebook profile, Zuckerberg has three sisters (Randi, Donna, and Arielle), all of whom he's friends with.根据马克在facebook上的资料,可以知道他有三个妹妹还有她们的朋友有哪些。

10."Ahh! " cried Randi. "What's that growpng sound I hear? Surely it's a wild and hungry tiger! " He sat still. "Now what? "兰迪大叫:「那是什麽吼叫声啊?一定是狂暴又饥饿的老虎来了!」他坐得一动也不动。「现在我该怎麽办?」