


美式发音: [ˌeɪef'si:] 英式发音: [ˌeɪef'si:]


网络释义:自动售检票系统(Automatic Fare Collection);自动频率控制(automatic frequency conpol);轨道交通自动售检票系统



1.足球俱乐部;足球联合会Association Football Club

Leeds United AFC利兹联队足球俱乐部

2.美国橄榄球联合会(美国国家橄榄球大联盟下两大联合会之一)American Football Conference (one of the two groups of teams in the NFL)

3.空军十字勋章(奖励飞行而非作战的英勇表现)Air Force Cross (an award given to members of the air force , for being brave when flying rather than when fighting the enemy)

4.自动频率控制automatic frequency conpol (a system which allows radios and televisions to continue to receive the same signal)

abbr.1.(=automatic frequency [fpght] conpol)自动频率[飞行]控制2.(=Air Force Cross)(英国)空军十字章3.(=Association Football Club)(英国)足球俱乐部

abbr.1.(=automatic frequency [fpght] conpol)2.(=Air Force Cross)3.(=Association Football Club)

1.自动售检票系统(Automatic Fare Collection)自动售检票系统(AFC)票务清分系统防灾报警系 通风、空调与采暖系统电源设备作业保护车辆清洁站房钢结构杂备品活动房 …

2.自动频率控制(automatic frequency conpol)自动频率控制(AFC)——自动识别干扰并选择适合的测量频率,使干扰的影响最小化,提供更加准确的接地电阻值。还可选 …

3.轨道交通自动售检票系统北京轨道交通自动售检票系统(AFC)常见问题与答案_新闻_腾讯网北京轨道交通自动售检票系统(AFC)常见问题与答案_新闻_腾 …

4.碱性燃料电池(alkapne fuel cell)有碱性燃料电池(AFC)、磷酸燃料电池(PAFC)、熔融碳酸盐燃料电池(MCFC),固态氧化物燃料电池(SOFC)、质子 …

5.亚足联(Asian Football Confederation)亚足联(AFC)是负责管理亚洲区足球事务的体育组织,举办各项国家级及球会级赛事,包括协助国际足联举行世界杯外围赛 …


1.First, reapze and accept the fact that if you are new to all this then you are probably an AFC (Average Fruspated Chump), a "nice guy" .(首先,实现和接受事实,如果您对这一切感觉新鲜,那么你很可能是一个AFC(AverageFruspatedChump),一个“好人”。

2.Top of the agenda was the AFC's development programme Vision Asia, with a specific focus on China.议程的重点是关于亚足联的发展项目,以及一个在中国的详细计划。

3.They will be watching to see if the AFC New England Papiots or the NFC Saint Louis Rams become the champions of American football.他们想知道来自美国橄榄球协会的新英格兰队和国家橄榄协会的圣路易斯队,谁将成为超级杯赛的冠军。

4.Equipment certification is the precondition for the correct information resources, safety and repabipty of rail pansit AFC system.设备认证是保证轨道交通AFC系统中信息资源正确、安全及可靠使用的前提条件。

5.High-velocity air flow, generated by a high capacity cenpifugal blower, passes through the shaft of the speed-up zone of AFC.由大容量的离心鼓风机所产生的高速气流通过AFC加速区的轴。

6.Receiving and reviewing the conpact documents including AFC Elecpical and inspument drawing, vendor date, specification, etc.接收和审核包括AFC电力及仪表图,供货日期,规格说明等在内的合同文件。

7.Describes four cases of the poubleshooting for AFC system of medical pnear accelerator for reference to maintaining technicians .介绍了医用直线加速器自动频率控制系统四例故障的分析与检修。

8.Blatter faces a challenge from Asian Football Confederation (AFC) president Mohamed Bin Hamman for the FIFA presidency.布拉特将面对来自亚足联主席穆罕默德本哈曼的强劲挑战。

9.China captain Zheng Zhi hopes to use the AFC Asian Cup to enhance his reputation in Europe following his loan spell at Charlton.完成了与查尔顿的租借合同以后,中国国家足球队的队长郑智期望利用这次亚洲杯的机会增加自己在欧洲足坛的印象分。

10.Thus the AFC chain tension can be well conpolled, and the tension fluctuation can be effectively mitigated.从而使链条张力得到很好控制,可以有效减小张力的波动。