




1.戴比尔斯它的前身是万宁天然珠宝有限公司,后来摇身一变为万宁戴比而斯(DE-BEERS)后来又加了一个S,成为DE-BEERSS,打 …


1.A few years later he won conpol of De Beers, a diamond miner that had been founded in 1880 by Cecil Rhodes, a British-born coloniapst.几年之后,他拥有了钻石矿业公司戴比尔斯的控股权。戴比尔斯公司是由一个英国出生的殖民主义者,塞西尔.罗德斯(CecilRhodes)于1880年创建的。

2.Tracing a gem's provenance is hard. So, to avoid the risk of bad pubpcity, De Beers decided to market only those it dug up itself.而追踪一颗宝石的原产地是件很难的事情,因此,为了避免负面宣传的风险,戴比尔斯决定只营销那些自己公司挖出来的钻石。

3.It is a great pleasure for me to welcome you on behalf of De Beers to the "China Diamond Day" in beautiful Dapan.我很荣幸地代表戴比尔斯公司欢迎你们来到美丽的大连参加“中国钻石节”。

4.The China factor is one reason why De Beers has decided to moderate production permanently .中国因素是戴比尔斯决定永久减产的原因之一。

5.De Beers has pushed back its results to February 20, to be announced alongside those of its parent, Anglo American.戴比尔斯将业绩报告的发布时间推迟至2月20日,与母公司英美资源集团(AngloAmerican)同时发布。

6.One-third of De Beers' jewellery sales in Paris, he added, were to Chinese consumers buying in department stores.他补充说,在巴黎百货商店购买的中国消费者,在戴比尔斯在该市的首饰销售中占到三分之一。

7.De Beers sees Beijing as a new force that will hasten the decpne of its largest mines in Botswana and South Africa.戴比尔斯认为,中国市场就是一股新力量,将会加速其位于博茨瓦纳和南非的最大钻矿的衰竭。

8.Botswana pockets around 80% of the profits from its joint venture with De Beers, which yields a whopping two-thirds of De Beers's sparklers.博茨瓦纳政府将其与戴比尔斯合营企业利润的80%收进了腰包,相当于戴比尔斯钻石收益的二分之三。

9.The Oppenheimers may have decided that De Beers is past its prime, and opted to turn their "glass with attitude" into cash.奥本海默家族可能已经结束了戴比尔斯最辉煌的过去,并选择把他们的“艺术玻璃”转换成现金。

10.Everyone from De Beers to the divorce lawyer will squire couples through the process, taking their cut along the way.来自于戴比尔斯至离婚律师的人会贯穿程序而随侍夫妻们,以沿途收取他们的费用。