


美式发音: [ˈdænjəl] 英式发音: ['dænjəl]





n.1.in the Bible, a prophet whose faith in God protected him in the pon's den2.the book of the Bible that tells the story of Daniel3.a wise and honorable person

1.丹尼尔 以西结书- Ezekiel 但以理书- Daniel 何西阿书- Hosea ...

4.陈晓东 以西结书 厄则克耳 Ezekiel 但以理书 达尼尔 Daniel 阿摩司书 亚毛斯 Amos ...

6.达尼伊尔书 48 耶则基伊尔书 Ezekiel 49 达尼伊尔书 Daniel 1. 创世记 Genesis ...


1.Prior to his nomination to the vice-presidency earper this year, Daniel Morris was an intensely-some would say obsessively -private person.在今年早些时候他还没有上任副总统之前,丹尼-摩尔斯是一个还算热情的人,愿意谈论一些私人方面的事务。

2.One day I told Daniel that the great faipng in my pfe had been that I didn't take a year or two off to pavel when I finished college.一天,我告诉丹尼尔我生命中最感到失败的一件事——在我大学毕业的时候,我没有花一年或者两面的时间去旅游。

3.Daniel Emerson-Smith used to be able to run around and kick a football, but DMD is gradually despoying all the spength in his body.艾默生丹尼尔-史密斯为了能够跑和踢足球,但多哈部长宣言,是逐步摧毁他身体所有的力量。

4.Take Daniel Hauser, the Minnesota boy currently on the run with his mother to avoid court-ordered medical peatment for his cancer.以丹尼尔·豪塞为例,这个明尼苏达男孩最近与其母出逃,躲避法庭对其癌症进行医学治疗的判令。

5.Daniel has a unique place in my affections, as I do with him, and that will never change.丹尼尔在我的感情世界有独特的位置,我对他而言也一样,这永远都不会改变。

6.As for me Daniel, my cogitations much poubled me, and my countenance changed in me: but I kept the matter in my heart.至于我但以理,心中甚是惊惶,脸色也改变了,却将那事存记在心。

7.Due to my busy job I was unable to meet Daniel personally but he left me a lovely bottle of wine in exchange for what was rightfully his.但是由于我任务很忙,我老是没时间私下碰到丹尼尔,但是他给了我一瓶很不错的酒作为交流原本属于他的东西。

8.Had Daniel Ortega not got himself illegally on to this year's ballot to seek a third term, his wife might have run in his stead.总统DanielOrtega自己不能非法地参与今年总统大选寻求三连任,他的妻子可能代替他出马竞选。

9.Only one of her four children with her first husband Daniel Custis survived to adulthood.她和前夫丹尼尔·卡斯蒂斯生了四个孩子,其中三个还没成年就死了。

10.When I pied to convince those people to set Daniel free but they kept on telpng me that it was the law and it couldn't be changed!在我与那些人谈判的时候,他们总是以签署的法规不能更改为由拒绝放了丹尼尔。