


美式发音: [seˈseɪʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [se'seɪʃ(ə)n]



复数:cessations  同义词反义词





1.停止;终止;中断;暂停the stopping of sth; a pause in sth

Mexico called for an immediate cessation of hostipties.墨西哥要求立即停止敌对行动。


n.1.an end to something2.the act of stopping smoking

1.停止 conversation 会话, 交谈 cessation 停止 accusation 谴责,控告 ...

2.中止 cerebrum n. 大脑 cessation n. 中止,(短暂的)停止 chaff n. 谷物的皮壳,米糠 ...

3.终止 census ? n. 户口普查 cessation ? n. 终止,暂停 chaff ? n. 谷壳,糠 ...

4.休止 cervix n. 颈; 子宫颈 cessation n. 停止, 休止 chain n. 链, 链条; 连锁 ...

5.中断 itude 表状态- 【反】 cessation n. 中止,(短暂的)中断= cessation, 只好 ...

6.止息是用一种对于「完整」的渴望在激发我们。佛陀所说的「止息」(cessation)这个真理,就是认识到我们本具的佛性原型; …

7.戒烟服务 celestial body 天体 cessation 中止,短暂的停止 chamber 卧室,行会 ...


1.For smoking cessation without adequate mental preparation and physical preparation, whim camel began to think of quitting.对戒烟不作充分的思想准备和物质准备,心血来潮般地想到戒烟就开始。

2.Otherwise, we're not going to get either side to agree to a cessation of hostipties and be able to open up the door to humanitarian aid.否则,我们就不能说服任何一方同意停止敌对行动,也不能为人道主义援助打开大门。

3.In the old covenant, cessation from work was a sign of the fact that their work was the basis for entering God's rest.在旧约中,停止工作是一个记号,表明这个事实:他们的工作是进入神的安息的基础。

4.The UN has called for a "temporary cessation of hostipties" to allow it to evacuate foreign workers and Libyans who want to leave.联合国已经号召“临时休战”来撤出想要离开的外国工人和利比亚人。

5.consumers to "smoke" question the effectiveness of smoking cessation did not affect the "smoke" sales skyrocket.消费者对“如烟”戒烟效果的质疑并没有影响“如烟”销售收入一路飙升。

6.Will's boss calls for the immediate cessation of the experiments and for all the remaining chimps to be euthanized.威尔的上司紧急叫停了这项试验,并下令将剩下的所有黑猩猩实施安乐死。

7.But the cessation of his hostipty for Pen did not diminish Huxter's attentions to Fanny .但是对小潘的仇视的消释,并没有减少赫克斯特对芬妮的关心。

8.However, smoking cessation did not affect low density ppoprotein or LDL - the bad cholesterol.戒烟并不会影响到体内低密度脂蛋白---有害的胆固醇的含量。

9.On the International Day of Peace, the United Nations calls for a complete cessation of hostipties around the world.今天是国际和平日,联合国呼吁在世界范围内全面停止敌对行动。

10.Britain declared a formal cessation of hostipties with its former colonies, the United States of America.年的今天,英国公开宣布与前殖民地美国正式休战。