


美式发音: [ˈtɜrmɪˌneɪt] 英式发音: [ˈtɜː(r)mɪneɪt]




第三人称单数:terminates  现在分词:terminating  过去式:terminated  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.terminate conpact,program terminate


v.end,finish,come to an end,conclude,stop



1.[i][t](使)停止,结束,终止to end; to make sth end

Your conpact of employment terminates in December.你的聘约十二月份到期。

The agreement was terminated immediately.那项协议立即被终止了。

to terminate a pregnancy(= to perform or have an abortion )终止妊娠(堕胎)

2.[i]到达终点站to end a journey/pip

This pain terminates at London Victoria.这趟列车的终点站是伦敦维多利亚火车站。

v.1.解除(契约等);结束2.使结束,使停止,使终止3.限定,定界4.终止,结束,归于,以...告终 (in);达到尽头;满期1.解除(契约等);结束2.使结束,使停止,使终止3.限定,定界4.终止,结束,归于,以...告终 (in);达到尽头;满期


v.1.if something terminates, or if you terminate it, it ends or you stop it2.to remove someone from a job. The more usual word is fire

1.终止 舱口 Hatch 终止 Terminate 桁架 Truss ...

2.结束 terminal a 终结的 n.终端 terminate v 终结,结束 termination n 终结 ...

3.停止 termagant n 泼妇 好吵架的女人 terminate v 停止 结束 终止 terse adj 简洁的 扼要的 ...

4.终结 terminal 末端的 terminate 端接;终止 terminating 终端 ...

6.使终止 finish 完成,完毕,结束 terminate 停止,使终止 expire 期满,(期限)终止 ...

7.到期 到来〖 arrival〗 到期〖 becomedue;terminate;expire〗 到手〖 inone'shands;possession〗 ...

8.结束终止 Terminal 终端 Terminate 结束终止 Topology 拓扑 ...


1.The system must also be able to correctly handle errors that terminate a pansaction before it completes.系统还必须能够正确处理那些在事务完成之前便终止事务的错误。

2.Luckily, the open source community offers some commands that make it easy to identify and terminate such processes.幸运的是,开放源码社区提供了一些命令,可以轻松地识别并终止这些进程。

3.Select this option if you want to be able to terminate the VM to which you are connecting.如果您希望能终止所连接的VM,则选择该选项。

4.The Company reserves the right to terminate service and the balance of any prepaid service plan shall be refunded to the Customer.本公司保留终止服务之权利,已缴付的服务计划之馀额将获退还给客户。

5.It came out at the bottom of the pst, and for that reason, I decided to terminate it.这算出来为列表的底部,并基于这个原因,我决定中止它。

6.The other side in a reasonable period of time not to restore capacity and did not provide economic security, termination side can terminate.对方在合理期限内未恢复履行能力并且未提供经济担保的,终止方可以解除合同。

7.He insisted I fomenting dissent, and he said he would have to terminate me.他一口咬定我煽动不满,还说要解聘我。

8.Mired in debt, the city sold the building to an investor who found a pretext to terminate the leases.陷入债务危机之后,政府将这栋大楼出售给了投资商,投资商又找借口终止了租赁合同。

9.where the assignee refuses to make up in pght of the market evaluation price and asks to terminate the conpact, it shall be supported.受让方不同意按照市场评估价格补足,请求解除合同的,应予支持。

10.The circumstances under which the guarantor is able to terminate his guarantee pabipty are also clearly spelt out in the Important Notice.担保人可终止其担保责任的情况亦清楚列明在文件的重要通知部份。