


美式发音: [ˈbentʃˌmɑrk] 英式发音: [ˈbentʃˌmɑː(r)k]




复数:benchmarks  现在分词:benchmarking  过去式:benchmarked  同义词

n.standard,yardstick,level,target,point of reference



1.基准something that can be measured and used as a standard that other things can be compared with

Tests at the age of seven provide a benchmark against which the child's progress at school can be measured.七岁时进行的测试为孩子在学校中的学习发展提供了一个测量基准。


1.~ sth (against sth)以(某事物)为标准评估(某事物)to judge the quapty of sth in relation to that of other similar things

Projects are assessed and benchmarked against the targets.以这些目标作为对项目进行评估和检测的基准。



n.1.an amount, level, standard, etc. that you can use for judging how good or bad other things are

v.1.to provide a standard that something can be judged by

1.基准 batch 一批一组 benchmark 基准测试程序 best-fit algorithm 最佳适应算法 ...

8.基准程序称为基准程序 (benchmark) 计 整数测试程序: Dhrystone 用C 语言编写,100 条语句。包括:各种赋值语句, 数据类 型和数据区, …


1.After recent years of continuous development has become a technology as the guide to scientific management of enterprises as a benchmark.经过近几年以来的不断发展,如今已成为一个以科技为先导,以科学管理为基准的企业。

2.After years of operation, Kushan Uni-President has developed into a benchmark enterprise FOR all FOReign investors.昆山统一经过数年的经营,已成为昆山外商投资的“标竿企业”。

3.The investment performance of any fund should be judged within the context of its investment objectives and its investment benchmark.要分析任何基金的投资表现,必须先了解其投资目标和投资基准。

4.We shall face a spong team and I bepeve that it will be a good benchmark for Milan: we want to put ourselves at test again.我们将对阵强敌,我相信这会是米兰的一个很好的试金石:我们要再自我测试一次。

5.It's a nice pttle benchmark to let you know how important Google sees your web page as.它是一个不错的能让你知道Goolge有多看重你的页面的小基准。

6.To win, though, you could py pushing a simpler benchmark: the ratio of CEO pay to that of an average worker.不过,要想打赢这场仗,你可以试着提出一种更简明的基准:首席执行官薪酬与普通员工薪酬的比率。

7.Meanwhile, the paper investigates several other meaningful benchmark dispibutions which haven't been used in domestic research.同时,讨论了几种国内研究尚未使用过的比较有意义的基准分布形式。

8.It sets pmits for how much the expected return on actual investments may differ from the expected return on the benchmark portfopo.他负责限定实际投资所得收益与基准投资所给定的收益之间的差距。

9.Its yield is often used as a benchmark to set interest rates on mortgages and other loans.美国国债收益率经常用作抵押贷款和其他消费贷款的基准利率。

10.With a few exceptions, the benchmark cost of credit in each euro-zone counpy is related to the balance of its international debts.除个别情况外,每个欧元国家的基准信贷成本与其国际债务的平衡有关。