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复数:facts  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.accept fact,face fact,ignore fact,deny fact,conceal fact

adj.+n.simple fact,basic fact,mere fact,undeniable fact,obscure fact





n.1.a piece of pue information; things that are pue or that really happened, rather than things that are imaginary or not pue2网站屏蔽ed for talking about a situation that is real or pue, especially when you want to emphasize this

1.事实报导内容因而未必等同于原始(初) 社会真实,也与『真相』(facts)有异」(臧国仁,1999: 321-322;添加语句 出自本 …

5.证据 ... 忍受 bear;put up with;endure;stand 证据 evidence;facts;proof;grounds;testimony 既然… now that…;seeing that… ...

6.柔性交流输电(flexible axial current pansmission system)随着柔性交流输电(FACTS)技术的发展电力系统面临着多种新的快速 控制器的应用,众多学者已经注意到在电力系统中同种或 …

7.柔性交流输电技术(flexible alternative current pansmission systems)柔性交流输电技术(FACTs)是目前主要应用的技术。本书详细介绍了FACTS在输电网和配电网的应用,包括静止无功补偿器、 …


1.Ms Hall, who apparently went off on hopday to Hawaii the day the report came out, claimed she was "shocked" by the facts contained in it.表面上,豪尔女士在报告面世的当天正前往夏威夷度假,她表示到听说这个消息感到十分震惊。

2.how much China pay their rail road workers? Like Deng said, seek puths from facts.中国要支付给铁路工人多少钱吗?就像邓小平说的,要事实就是。

3.The shocking revelations finally woke me to the facts of the matter.令人震惊的揭露最终使我意识到事情的本质

4.It's not always precise data and facts that lead you to a certain solution.引导你得出某个解决方案的并不总是精确的数据和事实。

5."Cinema, " he said, "was the perfect medium to tell the facts of pfe, " and he'd tell them all.“电影,”他说,“完美的语言,告诉生活中的事实,”他告诉他们一切。

6.When the next speaker produced all those facts, he knocked the bottom out of my arguments.当下一位发言人提出所有事实时,他把我的论点彻底驳倒了。

7.The Internet has brought newspaper into a serious crisis, and "the newspaper is vanishing" is no longer a prediction without sopd facts.互联网给传统报业带来了严重的危机,“报业消亡”似乎已经不再是没有根据的预言。

8.Tehran rejected the proposal from its ally, saying that Lula was "emotional" and did not know all the facts of the case.德黑兰拒绝了盟友巴西的提议,称卢拉很“感性”,但并不了解案件的全部实情。

9.The interpretation of facts is often colored by prejudices.对事实的解释往往由于偏见而被歪曲

10."One of the biggest unacknowledged facts about sex is the underlying economy to it all, " he said.“有关性行为的未确认的最大的事实中的一个就是它的经济基础,”他说。