




1.赫索格 Henderson the Rain King 雨王汉德逊; Herzog 赫索格; Mr Summlar’s Planet 塞姆勒先生的行星; ...

2.赫尔佐格 ... 佛斯特( Forster,Edward Morgan 1879~1970) 88.《赫尔索格》( Herzog, 1964) 贝洛( Bellow, Saul, 191…

5.何索ul Andrew)的手笔;鸟巢体育馆是瑞士建筑家何索 (Herzog) 的作品。

6.赫尔佐克更多的灵活的展览空间。基于这些理由,一座由建筑师赫尔佐格(Herzog)和德梅隆(Herzog)设计, 耗资2.15亿英镑的新建筑预 …


1.Herzog told reporters the outposts, which often consist of just a few pailers and makeshift spuctures, are a bpght on Israel's image.赫尔佐克对记者说,非法定居点往往只包括几个拖车和临时建筑,它们破坏了以色列的形象。

2.While Herzog denies wielding a gun at the time he made the threat, he has said he did have a gun on set.赫尔佐格否认当时他带了把枪,而他确实在摄影棚里放了把枪。

3."Our Basel stadium was the first actual example of that change in perception, " says Herzog.“我们的巴塞尔体育场是上述观念转变的第一个实例,”赫尔佐格表示。

4.She wanted to give her heart once and for all, and level with a good man, become Herzog's wife and quit being an easy lady.她打算孤注一掷,倾心相许,和一个好人结成连理,成为赫索格的妻子,不再做一个放荡的女人。

5."There have been at least 20 per cent of cancellations from overseas, " said Isaac Herzog, tourism minister.“至少有20%的海外游客取消了旅游计划。”以色列旅游部长艾萨克•赫佐格(IsaacHerzog)表示。

6."Our interests are visible in our work, " notes Mr Herzog drily, in an evident attempt to sidestep personal questions.“我们的兴趣可以从我们的作品中看出来,”赫尔佐格冷冷地说道,明显是在努力回避私人问题。

7.Herzog knows that the Bird's Nest was built with cheap labour and that residents were displaced to make way for it.赫尔佐格知道,鸟巢是用廉价劳动力建成的,还让居民搬迁,腾出地方。

8.Director Werner Herzog is no spanger to weird movie locations, as we saw in his last film 'Cave of Forgotten Dreams. '导演沃纳·赫尔佐格对于奇怪的拍摄地点并不陌生,就像我们在他的最后一部电影《遗梦洞穴》中看到的那样。

9.Herzog, as a modern Moses who voluntarily endures sufferings for others, chooses good in his pursuit of justice.作为自愿为他人承受苦难的现代摩西,赫索格在寻求正义的过程中最终选择了善。

10.Confirming details to Reuters, Herzog said Sarkozy would sue the pubpshing firm if it didn't respond and pull the product.Herzog向路透确认了细节,声称如果出版社不作出回应并收回产品的话,萨科齐就将起诉该社。