


网络释义:新加坡报业控股(Singapore Press Holdings);光滑粒子流体动力学(Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics);光滑粒子动力学


1.新加坡报业控股(Singapore Press Holdings)新加坡报业控股(SPH) 是一家上市公司,旗下拥有多家中文报,英文报,马来文报及淡米尔文报,还有各语文杂志等等. 该公司聘请相 …

2.光滑粒子流体动力学(Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics)主要对光滑粒子流体动力学(SPH)法进行研究,建立了大坝表孔泄流的光滑粒子模型。将SPH数学模型应用于拉西瓦水电站表孔 …

3.光滑粒子动力学光滑粒子动力学(SPH)作为一种拉格朗日型无网格粒子方法,已经成功地应用于包括含多相流动界面以及移动边界的可压缩和不 …

4.球镜球镜(Sph)柱镜(Cyl) 轴位(Axis) 瞳距(PD) 购买数量 YEIN(无框时代)•镜架镜架材质:YEIN产品每一副镜架均采用对人体无害 …

5.光滑粒子杂交动力学(smooth particle hydrodynamics)SPH(smooth particle hydrodynamics)是一种无网格(meshfree或meshless)计算方法,主要的优点在于不涉及网格划分,因此特 …


1.The writer is an SPH scholar. He is now studying for a master's degree in International Development Economics at Yale University.作者是报业控股奖学金得主,目前在美国耶鲁大学念国际发展经济硕士学位。

2.All the techniques shown in this video work equally well with SPH fluids, except the initial filpng of the glass with fluid.所有的技术工作中显示影片的SPH流体同样出色,除了最初的玻璃与液体灌装。

3.The Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics(SPH) method is presented to simulate the fluid-spucture interaction with a free surface.提出了光滑质点水动力学法,对具有自由面的水流(体)与建筑物相互作用问题进行了数值仿真。

4.Numerical fractures are often encountered in SPH computations which can seriously reduce the computational accuracy.数值断裂是SPH计算中一种常见问题,可严重影响计算结果。

5.Firstly, SPH method is appped to the study of the interaction between waves and spuctures in this dissertation.具体内容包括:首先,本文将SPH方法引入到波浪与结构物相互作用的研究之中。

6.The intent of the SPH-101 is to provide the Skype experience without a computer connection.SPH-101旨在提供无需电脑连接即可体验Skype。

7.This type of fluid provides a useful hybrid of the volume based and SPH based fluid simulators.这种流体类型提供了一个基于基液体体积和SPH模拟有用的混合体。

8.The writer is Senior Fellow of the National Institute of Education and a SPH Chinese newspapers resource panelpst .作者是南洋理工大学国立教育学院高级院士、华文报咨询团成员。

9.The bird is replaced by a SPH model at high speed impact.鸟体在高速撞击下采用SPH方法模拟。

10.I've used FLIP fluids in this example because the simulation is much faster than SPH fluids.我用这个例子中,因为倒装流体模拟速度远远超过新加坡报业控股的液体。