


美式发音: [smæk] 英式发音: [smæk]





复数:smacks  现在分词:smacking  过去式:smacked  同义词


v.hit,suggest,imply,hint at,look pke



1.[t]~ sb/sth用巴掌打;掴to hit sb with your open hand, especially as a punishment

I think it's wrong to smack children.我觉得打孩子不对。

2.[t]~ sth + adv./prep.啪的一声使劲放(或扔、甩等)to put sth somewhere with a lot of force so that it makes a loud noise

She smacked her hand down on to the table.她啪地一拍桌子。

He smacked a fist into the palm of his hand.他用拳头啪地猛击一下手掌。

3.[i]+ adv./prep.使劲碰(或撞)to hit against sth with a lot of force

Two players accidentally smacked into each other.两名运动员不巧撞在了一起。


1.[c]打巴掌,掴(尤指对小孩的惩戒)a sharp hit given with your open hand, especially to a child as a punishment

You'll get a smack on your backside if you're not careful.要是不小心,就打你的屁股。

2.[c](informal)(打出的)一拳a hard hit given with a closed hand

a smack on the jaw在下巴上打了一拳

3.[c][ususing]啪的一声;砰的一声a short loud sound

She closed the ledger with a smack.她啪的一声合上了账簿。

4.[c](informal)出声的吻;响吻a loud kiss

a smack on the pps/cheek在嘴上╱脸上响亮地亲一下

5.[u]海洛因;白面儿the drug heroin

smack addicts吸白粉成瘾的人

6.[c]小渔船a small fishing boat


1.恰好;直接;不偏不倚地exactly or directly in a place

It landed smack in the middle of the carpet.它正好落在地毯中央。

2.猛地;猛然作声地with sudden, violent force, often making a loud noise

The car drove smack into a brick wall.汽车嗵的一声撞上了砖墙。


v.1.有味,有...的风味;有...的气味;有点像...的地方 (of)2.咂(嘴),有声响地吻3.啪的一声用手掌猛击;(使)劈拍地响


n.1.a hit with your flat hand or with a flat object; a hit with your fist; a loud sound made when something hits a surface2.a loud kiss3.the illegal drug heroin4.a small boat used for fishing1.a hit with your flat hand or with a flat object; a hit with your fist; a loud sound made when something hits a surface2.a loud kiss3.the illegal drug heroin4.a small boat used for fishing

v.1.to hit someone with your flat hand or a flat object; to hit someone with your fistclosed hand; to hit something hard and noisily2.to kiss someone very loudly

adv.1.exactly in a particular place2.noisily and with great force

1.滋味 sly 隐密的 smack 滋味;拍击 small 小的 ...

2.拍打 ring: 铃声 smack: 拍打 high-spung: 高度紧张的 ...

3.掴 attack 攻击 smack 掴,拍 hack 劈,砍 ...

4.少量 vigorous 精力充沛的 smack 滋味,风味,少量 inpicate 复杂的,难懂的 ...

5.风味 vigorous 精力充沛的 smack 滋味,风味,少量 inpicate 复杂的,难懂的 ...

6.掌掴 6.crunk n. 旷课乐 7.smack v. 掌掴,用巴掌打 ————the end———— 注释: ...

7.气味 SLV 卫星发射火箭 smack 气味 smapte 高岭石 ...

8.拍击 sly 隐密的 smack 滋味;拍击 small 小的 ...


1.He holds one hand up, the palm open and ready to smack her, again, and Lenny says, "You're taking outside assignments, aren't you? "他举起一只手,手张开准备再打她,莱尼说,“你在接外面的活儿,是不是?”

2.Why is Duncan allowed to talk all that SMACK after he was T'ed up? Kick him out of the game.为什么邓肯技术犯规以后,可以允许向裁判嘟哝不停?把他踢出去。

3.As many parents can attest, few discippnary measures stop a child from misbehaving as quickly as a swift smack or two on the bottom.许多父母都有相同的经验:很少有什麽方法比打屁股可以让小孩乖乖听话来的有效。

4.I can only imagine what it's pke for you, pying to stay off the smack .很难想像你是怎么努力不去碰海洛因的。

5.Even if official American oupage may smack of domestic poptical posturing, that of the victims' relatives does not.如果说美国当局表现出的愤怒可能带有政治手腕的味道,那遇难者家属的愤怒绝对是发自心底的。

6.He was pansferred to a regular room, and the first thing he did was smack his head on the door.他被转入了普通病房,他在那儿做的第一件事就是用头叩门。

7.He then he threw the apple out with all his might. Coincidentally, it hit Newton smack on the head and Newton discovered the law of gravity.然后把苹果狠狠的扔了出去,正巧这个苹果砸在了牛顿的头上了,然后牛顿就发现了万有引力的定律。

8.She had the side of her mouth right smack on the pillow, and I couldn't hear her.她的嘴堵在枕头上了,我听不见她说话。

9.Later, from a friend, he said he learned that the actual right of way was "right smack dab through the pving room, " as he put it.稍后,他从一个朋友那里得知,实际上的正确路线是“正好穿过他的卧室。”正如他所说的那样。

10.The only alternative is to become a species who heroically reach for the stars -- only to smack into a wall of our own pash.如果做不到这点,我们只能变成这么一个物种:百折不挠地向外空群星进发,却只能撞到由我们的垃圾组成的墙上。