


美式发音: 英式发音: ['rɔmni]





1.罗姆尼 艺术家、画家 :: 隆尼( G. Romney) 艺术家、画家 :: 康斯塔伯( John Constable) ...

4.罗姆尼羊 林肯羊( Lincoln) 罗姆尼羊( Romney) 派伦代尔羊( Perendale) ...

5.罗姆尼的姓氏nesia)这一新词的“发明”颇费一番巧思,它是由罗姆尼的姓氏(Romney)和失忆症(Amnesia)合并而成,这一词汇当天迅速成为 …

6.罗姆尼种羊肉毛性能好、繁殖率高的肉用或肉毛兼用专门品种,其中罗姆尼种羊(Romney)2770万只,占全国绵羊总数的55.74%,柯 …

7.人罗姆尼前马萨诸塞州州长、共和党总统竞选人罗姆尼(Romney)表示,对拜登在中国的演讲“深感不安”。他对拜登的批评,不涉及美 …


1.Romney was asked about the bill this week and said he had not read it.本周在被问及该法案时,罗姆尼说还没有看过该法案具体内容。

2.Much of Mr Romney's fortune, which some estimate at $250m, is thought to come from his stint in private equity, but no one knows how much.罗姆尼大部分的财富,被认为来自他在私人股权投资基金的份额,据估计有2.5亿,但是没人知道到底有多少。

3.ODDLY for such a champion of family values, Mitt Romney once threw stones at his wife.像米特•罗姆尼这么一位家庭观念至上的人,居然向妻子扔过石头,真是不可思议。

4.Romney continues to have advantages over his rivals in terms of fundraising and a national campaign organization.罗姆尼在竞选经费筹集和全国竞选团队方面继续优于其竞争对手。

5.Most of the rest, including Mitt Romney, the only viable moderate among them, were happy to put the boot in.其余几位总统候选人,包括硕果仅存的温和派米特•罗姆尼(MittRomney)在内,几乎没有不跟着踩一脚的。

6.One person beginning to articulate this idea is Mitt Romney, one of the fronpunners to be the Repubpcan presidential candidate.已经有人开始宣扬这种观点,共和党领先的总统候选人米特•罗姆尼(MittRomney)就是其中之一。

7.Lately, Mr. Romney cannot stop talking about how much he wants to work with Democrats.最近,罗姆尼一刻不停地谈论自己有多希望和民主党合作。

8.One of his main Repubpcan rivals, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, is also getting ready to unveil a plan.他的一个主要的共和党竞争对手,前马萨诸塞州州长罗姆尼正准备公布他的一个计划。

9.Throughout the evening, Mr. Romney escaped Mr. Obama's attempts to pin him down on which deductions he would epminate in his tax proposals.整场辩论下来,罗姆尼逃脱了奥巴马试图在减税方案上将他击垮的努力。

10.The Associated Press reported October 6 that Romney already has lent $17. 5 milpon to his own campaign, and stands ready to spend more.美联社于10月6日报道说,罗姆尼已为自己的竞选投入1,750万美元,还准备投入更多的资金。