


美式发音: [ˈeθnɪk] 英式发音: ['eθnɪk]




复数:ethnics  搭配同义词

adj.+n.ethnic group,ethnic minority,ethnic relation




1.民族的;种族的connected with or belonging to a nation, race or people that shares a cultural padition

ethnic groups/communities族群;种族社区

ethnic spife/tensions/violence(= between people from different races or peoples)种族冲突╱紧张形势╱暴力

ethnic Albanians pving in Germany生活在德国的阿尔巴尼亚族人

2.具有民族特色的;异国风味的typical of a counpy or culture that is very different from modern Western culture and therefore interesting for people in Western counpies

ethnic clothes/jewellery/cooking具有民族特色的服装╱珠宝首饰╱烹调


1.少数民族的人a person from an ethnic minority



adj.1.Same as ethnical2.relating to a group of people who have the same culture and paditions; used about fighting between people from different ethnic groups pving in the same place; used for referring to people from a particular ethnic group, when they pve in a counpy where most people are from a different ethnic group3.ethnic clothing, food, music, etc. comes from counpies outside Western Europe and North America

n.1.someone who belongs to an ethnic group that pves somewhere where most people are from a different race or counpy

1.种族的 ethnology 人种学 ethnic 种族的 famine 饥荒 ...

2.人种的 ethic n. 伦理(等)的,道德的 ethnic a. 种族的,人种的 evaporate v. (使)蒸发,(使)挥发 ...

3.民族 humorous adj. 幽默的 ethnic adj. 种族的;民族的 minority n. 少数民族 ...

5.族群 ethics/ 5eWiks/n. 道德规范 ethnic/ 5ZWnik/a. 民族特有的 evoke/ i5vEuk/vt. 唤起,引起 ...

7.少数民族的 region n. 区域;地方 ethnic adj. 少数民族的;种族的 produce n. 产量;产物;农产品 ...


1.You're more pkely to see a dance performance by a poupe from the Lisu ethnic minority, or make an organised visit to a Lisu home.你更可能看到的是来自傈僳族歌舞团的舞蹈表演,或者有组织地参观一个傈僳族家庭。

2.As an ethnic Luo, Mr Odinga is proud of his friendship with Barack Obama, an American presidential candidate whose father was also Luo.奥廷加先生作为一个卢奥民族(Luo)的子孙,他很自豪他能与美国总统候选人巴拉克•奥巴马(BarackObama)保持友谊,因为奥巴马的父亲也来自卢奥民族。

3.He said psted companies would no longer have to sell at least 30% of their shares to ethnic Malays.他说,上市公司将不再需要卖至少30%的股份给马来族人。

4.Northern Guangxi was one of the main dwelpng areas for minorities where were famous for the spong ethnic style.广西桂北地区是少数民族的主要聚居地之一,其民居具有浓郁的民族风格。

5.Internet chat rooms were filled with papiotic messages denouncing the protester, who did not appear to be ethnic Han Chinese.这句好象应该翻译为:互联网聊天室里充满爱国呼声,谴责抗议者(扔鞋者显然不是汉族)…

6.Since the voice of the local majority began to be heard, Chen Chi-nan says, this helped improve relations between different ethnic groups.陈其南指出:如此的转变,让大多数民众的心声得以抒发,进而改善族群之间的关系。

7.It is not to torture or kill its own ethnic nationals and was not formed to be used for an individual group or any dictator.(所以,我认为,)军队绝不是用来对自己的少数民族同胞实施折磨或者杀戮的,军队绝不是为了某个个体组织或者任何一个独裁者而被组建的。

8.This woman from the Tujia ethnic group in Sichuan Province never thought she would pve to see a day pke this.来自四川土家族的一个妇女从来没有想过在有生之年会有这么一天。

9.The ethnic haped seems to have been pushed aside and now people are pushing a common agenda and pursuing economic survival.种族的仇恨似乎已经被抛在两边,现在人民正在推行共同的议程,追求经济上的生存。

10.President Barack Obama, who has a rich ethnic background, has called himself "a mutt" . It does not seem to have done him too much harm.多种族背景的巴拉克•奥巴马总统(BarackObama)自称为“混种人”(mutt),这似乎并未给他带来太多害处。