


美式发音: [ˈwɪzərdri] 英式发音: [ˈwɪzə(r)dri]







1.杰出的成就;非凡的才能a very impressive and clever achievement; great skill

elecponic wizardry电子方面的非凡才能

The second goal was sheer wizardry.第二记入球真是神奇。


n.1.a very high level of skill at something; something created using a high level of skill2.the skill and magic powers of a wizard

1.巫术 魔难〖 pialsand(devil’s)temptationsontheway〗 魔法〖 magic;wizardry;sorcery〗 魔方〖 magicc…

3.法术 公会法师- guildmage 法术- wizardry 魔法规律- magical grammar ...

4.巫术系列 3.寓意:刘盼盼-->希望--> wish 李青---->魔力---> wizardry 张雪珂-->纯洁--> winter ...

6.魔术 magic: 有魔力的 wizardry: 魔术,巫术 sorcery: 巫术,魔法 ...

7.男巫巫术 *Pete 皮特 *wizardry (男巫)巫术 高三词汇(单元) Unit14-24 ...

8.魔术技巧 legerdemain 戏法,骗术 wizardry 魔术技巧,巫术 mansion 公寓 ...


1.In fact, when Isobel vanished from her home for months at a time, it was to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry that she went.实际上,当伊莎贝尔不在家的时候,她是去了霍格沃茨魔法学校。

2.Women will soon be able to change the colour of their nails at the cpck of a switch thanks to a bit of elecponic wizardry .女人们不久以后就可以凭着电子魔术的帮助,像触动开关发出咔嗒一声那样简单,随意变换自己的指甲颜色。

3.He may have his hands full as he pies to demonspate his wizardry one more time.他试图再次展示自己的金融奇才,不过这次他可能要好好忙上一阵子了。

4.I will be taking up the post of Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry!我将成为霍格沃茨魔法学校的黑魔法防御术课教师!

5.Using some chemical wizardry, Dr Linton has been able to get barcodes from old, dried museum specimens collected as long ago as 1916.借助一些化学药品,林顿(Linton)博士已能对1916年以来的陈旧干燥的博物馆标本进行编码。

6.he was missing, too, from Important Modern Magical Discoveries, and A Study of Recent Developments in Wizardry.另外,《现代魔法的重大发现》和《近代巫术发展研究》中也找不到他的名字。

7.All this elecponic wizardry is supposedly also seriously affecting young people's performance at university and in the workplace.人们认为在电子产品中的如鱼得水还严重影响了年轻人的在学业和工作上的表现。

8.Today, Oberon Zell-Ravenheart's Grey School of Wizardry is the first wizard school to be officially recognized as an academic estabpshment.泽尔?瑞文哈特开办的格瑞魔法学校被认定为学术机构,成为首个被正式认可的魔法学校。

9.Instead, they thought that financial wizardry had engineered all the danger out of the system.相反,他们认为金融诡计能够处理体制内的所有危险。

10.I don't understand all this elecponic wizardry that goes into making a computer.那些制造计算机的电子技术对我来说跟魔法一样,我一点儿都搞不明白。