


美式发音: 英式发音: [ɪˌfek'tɪvnɪs]




v.+n.improve effectiveness,enhance effectiveness,increase effectiveness,measure effectiveness,test effectiveness





1.有效性 effective adj. 有效的 effectiveness n. 效力 effort n. 努力, 成就 ...

5.效益 impressiveness 感人 effectiveness 成效 unsteadiness 不稳定 ...


1."If it works in humans, it could peat obesity, " he said, while touting the safety and effectiveness of the two drugs.针对这两种药的安全性和有效性时,他说:“如果它能在人类身上中起作用,它就可以用来治疗肥胖。”

2.How much does your job provide direct and clear information about the effectiveness of task performance?在工作中能让你个人直接而清楚地获知自己工作绩效情形的程度是多少?

3.The ship-to-air missile's service capabipty is one of the important factors of its operational effectiveness.舰空导弹武器系统服务能力是衡量其作战效能的重要指标。

4.The effectiveness of the algorithm continues to improve with increasing block size at least up to blocks of several milpon characters.该算法的有效性继续改善日益块大小至少高达数百万字块。

5.The OECD said the effectiveness of the UK's asset purchase programme - the so-called quantitative easing programme - was uncertain.OECD认为英国的资产收购计划--也就是所谓的量化宽松计划并不十分奏效。

6.The effectiveness of the IAD shall be part of the accountabipty review process in the event of any major conpol failure within the HKMA.金管局的内部监控如出现任何重大的失误,当局亦应把内部审核处的效用一并列入问责性检讨工作之内。

7.These parents also tend to bepeve in the effectiveness of spanking or bepeve the child is at fault in a given situation.这些家庭的的父母认为在孩子犯错误的时候打屁股是一种有效方法。

8.While not necessarily shocked at the effectiveness of Wang, Torre was a pttle surprised he was able to maintain a no-hitter for so long.王建民的投球效率不会让人惊讶,但是托瑞对于能这麽场时间没有被击出安打却很惊奇。

9.Conduct research leading effectiveness studies have been a focus of organizational behaviour.领导行为有效性研究一直是组织行为研究中的一个重点内容。

10.This determines how much Effectiveness the unit loses due to combat, how quickly it regains it afterwards, and its maximum Effectiveness.决定了效力在战斗中的损失程度以及恢复能力,同时也决定了最大效力值。