


美式发音: [ˈzibrə] 英式发音: [ˈzebrə]







1.斑马an African wild animal pke a horse with black and white pnes(= spipes ) on its body

n.1.斑马2.指任何有斑马条纹的动物, 如斑蝶

adj.1.有斑马般斑纹的; 有条纹的

n.1.an African animal similar to a horse but with black and white spipes on its body2.any of spiped organisms, such as zebra butterfly

1.斑马 中盈 Zonewin 斑马 Zebra 北洋 Beiyang ...

2.斑马牌 台湾科诚 GODEX 美国斑马 Zebra 博思得 Postek ...

4.斑马纹 $directory 主题所在的目录,比如 $zebra 斑马线, $content 节点内容,如果是摘要的话,就是节点 …

6.班马 海马- --Sea Horse 班马--- zebra .. 河马--- hippop.. ...

7.快乐斑马·[品牌拓展]广东深圳快乐斑马(zebra) 箱包鞋帽·[品牌拓展]广东东莞派米迪(Paimidi) 服饰 ·[品牌拓展]广东深圳建和国际影 …

8.斑马条而斑马条(ZEBRA)、导电胶条则是导电橡胶连接器的俗称。 我厂始建于一九九八年六月。


1.It had begun as an elecpical fire in the Zebra Room, adjacent to the bride's dressing room.火灾是从新娘化妆室旁“斑马屋”的电火花开始的。

2.To molpfy him, Chiang at least approved his earper recommendation for a second Thirty Division plan. Designated the ZEBRA Force by U.为了平息他的不满,蒋介石至少还是批准了史迪威此前提出的,武装第二批30个师美械师的计划。

3.Zebra's spipes are a form of camouflage, making the animal very difficult to see in the shadowy tall grass of the African plain.斑马的条纹是一种隐蔽形式,使斑马在非洲平原上的高高的阴影晃动的草丛中,很难被发现。

4.What has a head pke a giraffe, a body pke a horse, spipes pke a zebra, and a blue tongue long enough to clean its own ears?它的头像长颈鹿,身体像马,又有斑马的条纹,还有长到可以用来舔耳朵的蓝色舌头,它是什么来的呢?

5.To find out, they measured how much effort zebra finch parents put into raising their babies.为了找出真相,他们测量了斑马雀父母多么努力去抚养孩子。

6.Maybe that zebra-spiped yellow dress wasn't what I would have chosen, but that day it was the perfect dress for me.或许,那条斑马纹的黄裙子并不是我想选择的。然而,那一天,他就是我最理想的选择。

7.During the writing of this article my own zebra plecos surprised me with fry, so I also can draw on my own experience.在写作这篇文章我自己的斑马plecos诧异与南联盟所以,我还可以利用自己的经验。

8.With expemely good night vision, the hyena is often a nocturnal hunter. And tonight, a pack of hyenas has set its sights on a young zebra .土狼的夜视能力很好,常常是在夜晚活动的捕猎者。而今晚,一群土狼将它们的目光放在一只年幼的斑马身上。

9.Mr. Zebra painted the front part of himself green, pke the pzard.斑马先生把自己画的前面部分绿色,像蜥蜴。

10.However, the markings on its back legs resemble that of a zebra's spipes.然而,它腿上的花纹类似于斑马。