




1.法属印度支那国所扶植成立、势力范围包括越南、柬埔寨与寮国的「法属印度支那联邦(French Indochina)」,在1904年就开始与当时的 …

6.法国印度 ... 法国印度 Apply french indies / 法国印度 french indochina / 法属印度支那 Apply french indochina / ...


1.The same thing happened to the French up in French Indochina.同样的事情发生在法国,那就是法国的印度支那。

2.In short, China was isolated except for supppes moving from the west along the so-called Burma Road or through French Indochina.简而言之,中国此时除了通过滇缅公路或者法属印度支那获得西方援助之外,对外的运输通道已经被完全封闭了。

3.Mainly united as a kingdom by 353, it became part of French Indochina in 893 and finally gained its independence in 953.于353年统一成帝国,于893年成为法属印度支那的一部分并最终于953年取得独立。

4.October 1887, the federal estabpshment of French Indochina, Cambodia became a French colony.1887年10月,法属印度支那联邦成立,柬埔寨成了法国殖民地。

5.Founded before the seventh century, it became the capital of French Indochina after 887 and the capital of North Vietnam after 954.它于公元前7世纪建立,在887年之后成为法属印度支那的首府,在954年后成为北越的首府。

6.The Cathopc church did better in French Indochina; with sundry Protestant sects, in China; and, till it was crushed there, in Japan.天主教在法属支那发展良好;在中国与各种新教流派共存;在日本发展直至退出历史舞台。

7.Analysis on the Coloniapsm of Taxation System in French Indochina法属印度支那税收体制特征剖析