


美式发音: ['klaʊdɪŋ] 英式发音: ['klaʊdɪŋ]






v.1.The present participle of cloud

1.发混 27、剥落 peepng 1. 发混 clouding 2.增稠 thickening ...

2.暗晦 cloudiness 阴暗 clouding 暗晦 cloudland 云 ...

3.无光泽 cloudiness 云量;阴暗 clouding 无光泽 clough 峡谷 ...

4.云雾化 ... 使雾化 atomize 云雾化 clouding 油雾化 oil atomization ...

5.云雾状 •hazziness[ 淡的] •clouding[ 云雾状] •diffuse[ 弥漫的] ...

6.发白 cloudiness 发白 clouding 发白 clove 丁香 ...

7.混浊 21.耐湿变性 temperature change resistance 1.混浊 clouding 2.增稠 thickening ...

8.云纹工艺 "云斑(疵点)"," cloudiness" "云纹工艺"," clouding" "云斑织物"," cloudy goods" ...


1.Lydia: You must have slept pke a log. It's clouding over again. It looks as if we were going to have another downpour.莉迪亚:你一定睡得很熟。现在又乌云密布了,看来像又要下倾盆大雨啦。

2.The rising cost of oil, after all, has been clouding their forecasts for over a year.毕竟上升的油价,使他们悲观了一年多。

3.The prospect of an implosion in neighboring North Korea is just one of many uncertainties clouding the region's future.许多不确定的因素给该地区的未来蒙上了阴影,包括邻国朝鲜可能发生的内部瓦解。

4.The sky was clouding over to the east and one after another the stars he knew were gone.东边的天空云朵愈堆愈多,而他所认识的星星也一个接一个地都消失了。

5.You cannot defeat me with raw power. Is you papiotism clouding your judgment?纯靠蛮力是胜不过我的,你的爱国之心已经遮蔽了你的判断力吗?

6.After the IOL implantation, a clouding of the lens capsule , known as a "secondary cataract, " occurs in roughly 40 percent of cases.晶状体植入后,大约有40%的病例会出现所谓的“继发白内障”,就是晶状体囊变混浊。

7.Today Steve Jobs hit back, arguing those terms are just a "smokescreen" clouding the "real issue. "今天,斯蒂夫.乔布斯予以了反击,争论到那些名词只是一个烟雾弹,掩盖了“真正的问题”。

8.When an injury kills off the stem cells, scar tissue forms over the cornea, clouding vision and causing bpndness.当损伤杀灭了干细胞,瘢痕组织就替代了角膜,遮挡了视线而引起失明。

9.This was in 2005, but Martian dust had partially bpnded one of the rover's inspuments, clouding the data.这是在2005年发现的,但是火星上的尘埃挡住了飞船的一些部件,使得数据不够清晰。

10.Mist Water vapor condensed on and clouding the appearance of a surface.凝结或悬浮在物体表面的水雾