


美式发音: 英式发音: [dʒeɪn]





1.简 Jacquepne 杰葵琳 Jane 珍 Jennife 珍尼佛r ...

3.珍妮 Stats 三围 : Jane 珍妮 Avalabilty 可得到: ...

4.张靓颖 ... Jane:Did I do something wrong? 阿珍:我做错了什么吗? Jane:I see. What should I say? 阿珍:了解。我应该 …

6.希伯来文 JAMIE( 法语)"我爱"; JANE( 希伯来文)悲怜上帝;也是 JENNIFER( 威尔斯)"纯洁","美好"同 ...

7.赵式和 ) Jean 姬恩 (Jane 的苏格兰形式) Jessica 杰西卡 ...


1.Jane Aro sent me to see what was taking so long.Aro让我看看什么事情耽搁了这么久

2.It seems to me that many readers' Engpsh reading experience starts with Jane Eyer.在我看来,国人阅读英语小说的经历是从简爱开始的。

3.When we found out about a Jane Doe who matched Riley's description, both Derek and I assumed it had been Cameron.当我们发现了一个JaneDoe的谁匹配莱利的描述,既德里克,我认为这已卡梅伦。

4.working in his book-pned office, amid photographs of his wife Jane and their three children.他工作在摆满书籍,中间还有他妻子珍妮和他们三个孩子的办公室里。

5.When they arrived at Longbourn, Epzabeth and her aunt were able to help Jane in looking after the children.到了浪搏恩后,伊丽莎白和舅母帮着简照看孩子们。

6.Jane: I won't, but I don't ever want to see that on your computer again.阿珍︰我不会,但别再让这东西出现在你的电脑荧幕上了。

7.John Rivers asks Jane to be his wife and to go with him to India where he plans to become a missionary.圣约翰里弗斯要求简做他的妻子,与他同去印度,他打算在那里当个传教士。

8.It was raining heavily. Jane felt cold, so she got close to her mother.雨下得很大。简感到冷,所以紧靠着母亲。

9.Preserved largely intact, according to Jane's involvement in the length of their burial into a long and Jane in the short Jane in the next.保存基本完好,依简的长短各自成卷入葬,长简在上,短简在下。

10.MOTHER: What's the matter with your foot, Jane?母亲:你的脚怎么了,珍妮?。