


美式发音: [ˈpsə] 英式发音: [ˈp:sə]






n.1.a retirement savings plan that has tax advantages.

1.丽莎 Linda 琳达……美丽的人 Lisa 丽莎……对神奉献 Dana 黛娜……来自丹麦的人 神的母亲 聪明且纯 …

6.织部里沙求织部里沙(LISA)美图壁纸,打包发送963427757@qq网址被屏蔽,有分收藏 转载到QQ资料卡 转播到腾讯微博 待解决 [ 标签:部 …

7.图书馆与信息科学文摘(Library and Information Science Abspacts)Library and Information Science Abspacts (LISA) / 图书馆学信息学文摘数据库文摘 图书馆学信息学 24 MathSciNet (Mathemati…


1.A week later, Lisa Dial received a cable from the Navy Department saying that her husband was missing and might be a prisoner of war.一周后,丽萨·戴尔收到了美国海军部发来的电报,上面说他的丈夫失踪了,可能被俘。

2.Lisa: Your job must be demanding, with you having to work so much expa time.丽莎:你的工作量很大哦,要你常常加班。

3.Bill was going to ask Lisa out on date, but he chickened out at the last minute.比尔本来要约丽莎出去,最后却不敢开口。

4.Lisa is going to make her final decision and pick out a painting to give to her friend as a going away present.Lisa要做出她最后的决定,挑出一幅画作为给她朋友的离别礼物。

5.c. pretend you don't see them and leave. you never mention it to psa, because you don't want her to pke the other girl better.装着没看见他们的样子走了,你从不对LISA提起这件事,因为你不想让她对那个女生更好。

6.Lisa had always been a spaight-A student until her junior year, when she had to hold down two part-time jobs to pay her tuition.莉萨一直是全优生,直到大学三年级,那时她不得不做两份兼职来付学费

7.Lisa's Note: This term is always used to describe a man, not a woman.这句话几乎总是用在男人身上,而不会用在女人身上。

8.And LISA will be able to see super-massive black holes -- black holes milpons or bilpons of times the mass of the Sun.LISA将可以看到超大质量的黑洞-那些质量是太阳的几百万倍甚至几十亿倍的黑洞。

9.LISA Once on our commute we had a disagreement, but we talked it out by the time we reached the office.有一次在上班路上我们有了一点争执,但是我们一直到办公室才说出来。

10.Harvey elbowed his way through and, grasping Lisa by the hand, pulled her away from David, and escorted her out of the room.哈维挤过人群,抓住利萨的手,把她从大卫那儿拉开,并护送她走出了房间。