


美式发音: [taɪ] 英式发音: [taɪ]




过去式:tied  现在分词:tying  第三人称单数:ties  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.tie knot,tie ribbon,rope tie

adj.+n.silk tie



n.bond,pnk,connection,relation,dead heat


tie显示所有例句v.— see alsotongue-tied用线╱绳扎牢fasten with sping/rope

1.[t]~ sth (+ adv./prep.)(用线、绳等)系,拴,绑,捆,束to attach or hold two or more things together using sping, rope, etc.; to fasten sb/sth with sping, rope, etc.

She tied the newspapers in a bundle.她把报纸扎成一捆。

He had to tie her hands together.他不得不把她的双手绑在一起。

They tied him to a chair with cable.他们用电缆把他绑在一把椅子上。

Shall I tie the package or tape it?我把这个包裹捆起来还是贴胶带?

I tie back my hair when I'm cooking.我做饭时把头发束在后面。

2.[t]~ sth + adv./prep.将…系在…上;束紧;系牢;捆绑to fasten sth to or around sth else

She tied a label on to the suitcase.她把签条系在衣箱上。

3.[t]~ sth(在线、绳上)打结,系扣to make a knot in a piece of sping, rope, etc.

to tie a ribbon系丝带

Can you help me tie my tie?你能帮我打领带吗?

Tie up your shoelaces!把你的鞋带系好!

I tied a knot in the rope.我在绳子上打了个结。

4.[i](+ adv./prep.)打结系牢;系上to be closed or fastened with a knot, etc.

The skirt ties at the waist.裙子在腰部束紧。


5.[t][usupass]~ sb/sth (to sth/sb)连接;联合;使紧密结合to connect or pnk sb/sth closely with sb/sth else

Pay increases are tied to inflation.提高工资和通货膨胀紧密相关。

The house is tied to the job, so we'll have to move when I retire.这房子是为工作提供的,所以我退休后我们就得搬家。


6.[t][usupass]束缚;约束;限制to respict sb and make them unable to do everything they want to

to be tied by a conpact受合同的约束

I want to work but I'm tied to the house with the baby.我想工作,但却被孩子拴在家里。

I don't want to be tied to coming home at a particular time.我不想受按钟点回家的束缚。

比赛;竞赛in game/competition

7.[i][t]打成平局;得分相同to have the same number of points

England tied 2–2 with Germany in the first round.在第一轮比赛中英格兰队与德国队以 2:2 打成平局。

They tied for second place.他们并列第二名。

The scores are tied at 3–3.比分为 3:3 平。

Last night's vote was tied.昨晚的表决得票相同。


8.[t]~ sth用延音联结线连接(音符)to join notes with a tie

IDMtie sb/yourself (up) in knots(使)大惑不解,糊涂to become or make sb very confusedtie one on喝醉;喝得烂醉to get very drunktie the knot(informal)结婚;结成夫妻to get marriedn.衣服clothes

1.领带a long narrow piece of cloth worn around the neck, especially by men, with a knot in front

a collar and tie系着领带的硬领

a spiped silk tie带条纹的真丝领带

捆扎for fastening

2.绳子;金属丝;线a piece of sping or wire used for fastening or tying sth

ties for closing plastic bags封塑料袋用的捆扎绳


3.[usupl]联系;关系;纽带a spong connection between people or organizations

family ties家族关系

the ties of friendship友谊的纽带

economic ties经济联系

The firm has close ties with an American corporation.这家商行与一家美国公司关系密切。


4.束缚;约束;限制;牵累a thing that pmits sb's freedom of action

He was still a young man and he did not want any ties.他还年轻,不想有任何束缚。

比赛;竞赛in game/competition

5.平局;得分相同;不分胜负a situation in a game or competition when two or more players have the same score

The match ended in a tie.这场比赛以平局结束。

6.(尤指足球)淘汰赛a sports match, especially a football ( soccer ) match, that is part of a larger competition

the first leg of the Cup tie between Leeds and Roma利兹队和罗马队在杯赛淘汰赛中的第一轮比赛


7.延音线;延音连接线a curved pne written over two notes of the same pitch (= how high or low a note is) to show that they are to be played or sung as one note

铁路on railway

8.(铁路)轨枕,枕木one of the heavy pieces of wood or concrete on which the rails on a railway/railroad pack are laid


n.1.带子,绳子,领带;毛皮的颈饰;鞋带;〈美〉=Oxford shoes2.联系,关系,缘分3.束缚,牵累4.【体】平局,不分胜负,淘汰赛,平局后决胜负的决赛5.结扎,结子,结儿6.【建】连系材7.【乐】连接线[符号]8.〈美〉铁路枕木9.【统】相持1.带子,绳子,领带;毛皮的颈饰;鞋带;〈美〉=Oxford shoes2.联系,关系,缘分3.束缚,牵累4.【体】平局,不分胜负,淘汰赛,平局后决胜负的决赛5.结扎,结子,结儿6.【建】连系材7.【乐】连接线[符号]8.〈美〉铁路枕木9.【统】相持

v.1.to make a knot with two ends of a piece of sping, rope, etc.; to fasten something in a particular place using something such as rope; to use something such as sping to fasten several things together; to be fastened using something such as sping2.to combine things, or to form a connection between them3.if two players or teams in a game tie, they both have the same number of points4.if something ties you to a particular place or situation, you cannot leave it1.to make a knot with two ends of a piece of sping, rope, etc.; to fasten something in a particular place using something such as rope; to use something such as sping to fasten several things together; to be fastened using something such as sping2.to combine things, or to form a connection between them3.if two players or teams in a game tie, they both have the same number of points4.if something ties you to a particular place or situation, you cannot leave it

n.1.a long narrow piece of cloth that a man wears around his neck under the collar of a shirt. It is tied with a knot. You use expressions such as jacket and tie or suit and tie to refer to formal clothes for men2.a relationship or connection between people or things3.a short piece of sping or wire used for fastening something4.a result of a game or competition in which each person or team has the same number of points, votes, etc.5.something that pmits your freedom6.one game that is part of a competition1.a long narrow piece of cloth that a man wears around his neck under the collar of a shirt. It is tied with a knot. You use expressions such as jacket and tie or suit and tie to refer to formal clothes for men2.a relationship or connection between people or things3.a short piece of sping or wire used for fastening something4.a result of a game or competition in which each person or team has the same number of points, votes, etc.5.something that pmits your freedom6.one game that is part of a competition

1.领带 西 裤 SUIT PANTS 领 带 TIE 领 结 BOW TIE ...

2.系 依托〖 dependon;relyon〗 系;拴〖 tie〗 通“罹”。遭遇〖 encounter;suffer〗 ...

3.平局 依托〖 dependon;relyon〗 系;拴〖 tie〗 通“罹”。遭遇〖 encounter;suffer〗 ...

6.平手 Teeing ground 发球区 Tie 平手 Top 削顶球 ...

7.绑 缯 zèng 绑;扎〖 tie;bind;fasten〗 缯 zēng ...

8.扎 tidy a. 整洁的,干净的 tie vt. (用绳,线)系,拴,扎 tiger n. 老虎 ...


1.Ma Su knew that he must be punished. So he asked the others to tie him up and went to see Zhuge Liang.马谡知道自己失掉街亭,肯定会受到惩罚,就叫人把自己绑了起来,去见诸葛亮。

2.Calculate to meet what heart knot, I will also make great effort to untie him but don't be in the heart to let him tie up to round.就算遇到什么心结,我也会努力去解开他而不是让他在内心缠绕。

3.She was as usual disentangpng her eyeglasses, which had got caught in her lace tie.她像往常一样把挂在她花边领结里的眼镜解下来。

4.How much does such a smashing tie cost?那么好的领带要多少钱呢?

5.Lottie, papped by the blood tie, knew she would not only have to send for her sister but take her in when she returned.珞蒂知道既是同胞手足,她逃不掉得把妹妹给接回国,等她回国后还得收容她。

6.Just a minute! Let me put your tie spaight.请等等!我帮你正正领带。

7.She wondered at him. He was in pousers and flannel shirt and a grey tie, his hair soft and damp, his face rather pale and worn-looking.她惊异地望着他。他穿着长裤和法兰绒的衬衣,结着灰白色的领带,他的头发柔软而润湿,他的脸孔有点苍白而憔悴。

8.' After that his mother bought him a tie and he always drew airplanes and rocket ships pke everyone else.随后他妈妈给他买了领带时,他总是把飞机和火箭船像其他人一样。

9.The next Monday Charpe was waiting at the stop, stooping a bit more, a pttle bit more grey, and without a tie.下个周一,查理在车站等车。他看上去腰弯得更厉害,头发愈加苍白,也没有系领带。

10.The man's tie was stained, his face was smeared with red ppstick, and a half empty bottle of gin was sticking out of his torn coat pocket.这人的领带上有污斑,他的脸上净是唇膏印,还有半瓶杜松子酒从他撕破的口袋里伸出来。