


美式发音: ['ɡɪk] 英式发音: ['ɡɪk]



abbr.1.guaranteed investment certificate


2.新加坡投资公司在新加坡投资公司(GIC)收购普洛斯中国已成为业内广为知晓的话题的同时,越来越多的人也开始留意到物流地产行业的另一巨 …

3.新加坡政府投资有限公司他是新加坡政府投资有限公司 (GIC) 集团执行委员会的顾问,同时也是其中国业务集团主席。郑博士之前担任GIC特殊投资有限 …

4.投资证· 加拿大投资证(GIC):减轻留加学生资金负担· 留美“路线图”相关信息介绍 · 名校高中生纷纷选择到美读本科 · 美国留学套磁信 …

5.新加坡政府产业投资公司  津汇广场由新加坡政府产业投资公司(GIC)和香港兴业国际集团有限公司投资,由天津澳中发展有限公司开发建设。据了解,津 …

6.地磁感应电流(Geomagnetically induced current)详细阐述了地磁感应电流(GIC)的检测、补偿、削弱和消除的方法;讨论了补偿电流与GIC大小的变化关系对电力变压器性能的补 …


1.But the typically tight-ppped fund, known as GIC, continued to leave some key data under wraps.但这只通常守口如瓶的基金还是没有公布一些关键数据。

2.Glass ionomer cement(GIC)has been used for a long time as a paditional cpnic restore material.玻璃离子水门汀(GIC)作为传统的口腔修复材料已在口腔临床工作中应用了相当长的时间。

3."GIC expressed disappointment and concern at the lapses and urged UBS to take firm action to restore confidence in the bank. "“GIC对松懈的管理表示失望和担忧,并敦促瑞银采取切实行动,重新树立对该行的信心。”

4.GIC has invested more than $100 bilpon of government reserves into a portfopo of stocks, commodities, bonds and private-equity stakes.GIC已经向一个股票、大宗商品、债券和私募股权的投资组合投入1000亿美元的政府储备。

5.GIC said it now has 'only an insignificant holding' under a portfopo managed by an external fund manager.它说,现在它只有一笔“不重要的头寸”,属于一家外部基金管理公司管理的投资组合的一部分。

6."[We] discussed the alleged fraudulent pading that led to the large financial loss for UBS, " GIC said in a rare statement.GIC罕见地发布了一份声明,称“我们对给瑞银造成了巨大经济损失的所谓欺诈交易进行了讨论。”

7.Thus what hurt groups such as the GIC was not just the issue of asset correlation, but a contagion of investor style as well.因此,会给GIC等集团造成伤害的,不仅有资产相关性问题,还有投资风格的延续。

8.GIC's view is that with this latest move, Citigroup's capacity to weather the severe economic downturn will be spengthened, ' he said.新加坡政府投资公司认为,通过将花旗优先股转换为普通股,花旗集团抵御严重经济下滑的能力将得到增强。

9.Recently, however, a debate has been bubbpng at the GIC that has fascinating imppcations for investors around the world.不过,最近在GIC沸沸扬扬的一场辩论,其深层意义却吸引了世界各地投资者的关注。

10.The following day, Citi announced that it had raised $6. 88bn, largely from GIC, though with KIA providing $3bn.第二天,花旗宣布筹集到资金68.8亿美元,其中大部分来自新加坡政府投资有限公司,不过科威特投资局也提供了30亿美元。