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1.诺贝达 马拉松 MARATHON 诺贝达 Roberta 安格妮 ANGEENI ...

2.罗伯塔 Riva 莉娃 法国 Roberta 萝勃塔 Rosapnd 罗莎琳德 ...

4.萝贝塔 《无忧无虑》( Carefree,1938) (1934)、《萝贝塔》( Roberta 1. Waldspirale 图1 …

5.罗贝塔马克(韦伯)第几?”“所以,领先34分?”从新闻官罗贝塔(Roberta)处得到上述问题的肯定答案后,阿隆索的脸上露出了微 …

6.罗拔拉 Nina 妮娜 Roberta 罗拔拉 Lena 莉娜 ...

7.萝柏塔 Rhonda 兰达 好大 Roberta 萝柏塔 响亮的名声 Robin 萝冰 知更鸟 ...

8.萝勃塔条顿 ... Riva, 莉娃,法国,在河堤或河边的人。 Roberta 萝勃塔条顿,辉煌的名声;灿烂。 Rosapnd, 罗莎琳德,拉 …


1.He told Roberta he would marry her and persuaded her to accompany him to an isolated lake resort.他告诉罗伯塔他将和她结婚并让她陪他来到僻静无人的湖边。

2.Roberta, even before the arrival of Clyde in her pfe, did not want to be so clung to.即便在克莱德跟自己来往以前,罗伯塔也不希望这样粘在一起。

3.Roberta now put the box on the table, all the zest that might have been joined with it completely banished.罗伯塔把盒子往桌子上一放,这件礼物原来可能激起的热情,早已烟消云散了。

4.There had been a desire to conceal his departure with Roberta, of course, but only to protect her name and his from notoriety.当然这一定因为他一向存心要把他跟罗伯塔一起动身的事遮盖起来,不过目的只是为了保护她和他自己的名声,免得声名狼藉。

5.At the same time Roberta in her car forward was thinking that Clyde had not appeared so very unfriendly to her.就在同一时候,前面一节车厢里的罗伯塔正在想,克莱德对她似乎并不十分无情无义啊。

6.I first met Ahmanson in 2004, when he and his wife, Roberta, agreed to an interview request for an article I was writing for Salon.我与Ahmanson的初次见面是在2004年,当时他与妻子Roberta同意为我给沙龙(Salon)杂志写的一篇文章接受访问。

7.The dark situation in connection with Roberta seeming no more at moments than a dark cloud which shadowed the other dream.关于罗伯塔方面阴暗的局面,只是偶然象一阵乌云掠过,遮住了另一个美梦。

8.Although Roberta Smith of the New York Times called the title "repulsive" , it would appear it wasn't revolting enough to be remembered.虽然纽约时报的罗伯塔·史密斯声称它“令人生厌”,但这个噱头的轰动效应明显不够。

9."The scale isn't the only measure of weight, " says Roberta Anding, R. D. , a spokeswoman for the American Dietetic Association.“这并不是唯一的衡量体重的标准,”罗伯塔安定路,一位美国饮食协会发言人如是说。

10.His face brightened when he saw Roberta, for she had always been his favorite.他一见罗伯塔,脸色顿时开朗起来,因为她一向是他的宝贝女儿。