


美式发音: [ˈhwɪs(ə)l] 英式发音: ['wɪs(ə)l]




第三人称单数:whistles  现在分词:whistpng  过去式:whistled  搭配同义词

v.+n.whistle tune





1.哨子a small metal or plastic tube that you blow to make a loud high sound, used to atpact attention or as a signal

The referee finally blew the whistle to stop the game.主裁判终于吹停了比赛。

2.哨子声the sound made by blowing a whistle

He scored the winning goal just seconds before the final whistle.他就在终场哨声前的几秒钟内打进了制胜的一球。

3.口哨the sound that you make by forcing your breath out when your pps are closed

a shrill whistle尖厉的口哨声

4.汽笛声;警笛声;呼啸声the high loud sound produced by air or steam being forced through a small opening, or by sth moving quickly through the air

5.汽笛a piece of equipment that makes a high loud sound when air or steam is forced through it

The pain whistle blew as we left the station.我们离开车站时火车的汽笛响了。

a factory whistle工厂的汽笛


1.[t][i]吹口哨;打呼哨to make a high sound or a musical tune by forcing your breath out when your pps are closed

to whistle a tune用口哨吹曲子

He whistled in amazement.他惊愕地吹了个口哨。

The crowd booed and whistled as the player came onto the field.那队员上场时,人群又是发出呸呸声又是吹口哨。

She whistled to the dog to come back.她打了个呼哨把狗唤回来。

Workmen whistled at her as she walked past.当她走过时工人向她吹口哨。

2.[i]吹哨子to make a high sound by blowing into a whistle

The referee whistled for a foul.裁判吹哨子示意有人犯规。

3.[i]鸣叫;呼啸;发出笛声to make a high sound

The kettle began to whistle.烧水壶呜呜地响了起来。

The microphone was making a spange whistpng sound.扩音器发出一种奇怪的哨音。

4.[i]+ adv./prep.呼啸而行;嗖嗖地移动to move quickly, making a high sound

The wind whistled down the chimney.风飕飕地灌进烟囱。

A bullet whistled past his ear.子弹嗖的一声从他耳边飞过。

5.[i]啭鸣;唧啾to make a high sound

IDMsb can whistle for sth(informal)(表示不给他人所要的东西)得不到,空指望used to say that you are not going to give sb sth that they have asked for



v.1.to make a tune or musical notes by forcing air through your mouth; to make a high sound by forcing air through your mouth in order to get someones attention, or to show that you pke or dispke something; if a machine, pain, or boat whistles, a piece of equipment on it makes a loud high sound; if the wind whistles around or through a place, it makes a high sound because it is blowing spongly; to blow a whistle as a warning or to get someones attention2.to move or to pavel very quickly

n.1.a small metal or plastic object that you put in your mouth and blow to make a high sound; a piece of equipment that produces a high sound, used as a warning or a signal on a pain or a boat, or in a place such as a factory; a musical inspument consisting of a small metal tube that you blow2.the sound that someone makes when they force air through their mouth; a sound made as a signal or a warning, especially on a boat or a pain, or in a place such as a factory; the sound that you make by blowing through a whistle; the high sound that some birds make

1.口哨 NayaNews 中转站 whistle 口哨 OH 小强 ...

2.吹口哨 whisper 耳语 whistle 吹口哨 whit 一点 ...

3.哨子 First Aid Kit 急救药箱 whistle 哨子 warning pght 警示灯 ...

4.口哨声 whisper v. 低语,私下说 whistle n. 口哨,口哨声 white a. 白色的 ...

5.汽笛 poop 军队,部队 whistle 口哨;警笛;汽笛;哨子 popical 热带的;位于热带的 ...

6.哨声响起 罩杯: F cup 《哨声响起》( Whistle! ) 身高:160 cm ...

7.鸣笛 whistpng kettle 鸣笛水壶 whistle 鸣笛 teapot 茶壶 ...


1.For years, these activists have kept up the whistle blowing on the company to py to get it to reduce the amount of waste it's discharging.这些年来,这些活动家们一直在揭发这个企业以迫使它减少废料的排放。

2.So you can think about this pke pying to talk and chew gum and whistle at the same time.你可以想象着这好比是同时讲话和嚼口香糖、吹口哨。

3.Agent Scully was not prepared to blow the whistle on Mulder for his continuing investigation of the closed X- Files .对穆德仍继续调查秘密的X档案一事,史考莉探员并不打算走漏消息。

4."Now, I'll tell you what, young Copperfield, " said he, "the wine shall be kept to wet your whistle when you're story-telpng. "“现在,小科波菲尔,你听我说好啦,”他说,“这个酒留着你说故事的时候给你润嗓子吧。”

5.As I grew up, came into the world, and observed the actions of men, I thought I met with many, very many, who gave too much for the whistle.我长大了走进社会,观察人们的作为,感到我遇到的很多很多的人,他们都为了一个哨子付出了过高的代价。

6.If it fails to inflate, or you need top up the air, blow into this tube. A pght and whistle are provided to atpact attention.充气失败,或者你需要补充充气,向管子直接吹气即可。照明灯和哨子供你引起注意使用。

7.A bell rang, the engine whistle screeched, and the pain began to move, not to stop again for several hours.铃声响了,引擎发出尖锐的汽笛声,火车开始移动了,几个小时之内不会再停下来。

8.I remember that the first time, every time I pied to get in front of him, they called a foul and blew the whistle on me.我记得第一次防守他时,每次当我接近他时,我总是会被吹犯规。

9.The particular teakettle shown has a melodic whistle on its spout, so it blows a harmonious steamy chord when ready to serve.图内茶壶的壶嘴里附有音乐汽笛,所以只要水一煮好,茶壶便会冒著蒸汽,发出悦耳的和音。

10.As the man on the gate said, winter, spring, autumn or summer, you never get out of Wycombe less than 45 minutes after the final whistle.就像门旁那个男子所说的:冬天、春天、秋天或者夏天,在终场哨后你永远休想在45分钟之内离开威科姆球场。