


美式发音: ['zuːlʊ] 英式发音: [ˈzuːluː]





1.[c]祖鲁人(南非的一个黑人种族)a member of a race of black people who pve in South Africa

2.[u]祖鲁语the language spoken by Zulus and many other black South Africans



n.1.a member of a people of South Africa who pve mainly in northern KwaZulu-Natal Province2.a Bantu language spoken in eastern South Africa, closely related to Xhosa3.a code word for the letter Z, used in international radio communications

1.祖鲁语 crucial 决定性的 Zulu 祖鲁语的,祖鲁人的 absurd 荒谬的 ...

6.祖鲁人的 crucial 决定性的 Zulu 祖鲁语的,祖鲁人的 absurd 荒谬的 ...

7.苏鲁话中说过,他在南非洲波尔战争(Boer War)和苏鲁(Zulu)叛变事件,以及在欧战期中,都曾为英军组织救护队,这些工 …


1.As a Zulu paditionapst and polygamist pke the king, President Jacob Zuma might have been wilpng quietly to obpge.同斯威士兰国王一样,南非总统雅各布•祖玛也是一位祖鲁传统人士,并奉行一夫多妻制。而他似乎更愿意悄无声息地满足其要求。

2.In cattle the disease is called Nagana, a Zulu word meaning "to be depressed" .在牛群中,该病称为那加那病,祖鲁语的意思是“抑郁”。

3.Pundits have revelled in painting him as a paditional Zulu leader out of kilt with modern poptics.权威人士热衷于将祖玛描绘成一个穿着苏格兰长裙,有着现代政治手腕的传统祖鲁领导人。

4.He had started as a mbaqanga singer, making paditional Zulu "tourist music" , as he called it, and selpng plenty of records.他作为一个mbaqanga歌手开始了他的音乐生涯,制作着传统的祖鲁“旅行者音乐”(他是这样称呼的),并且销售了大量的唱片。

5.(PhysOrg. com) -- The World Cup is in full swing, complete with an official new soccer ball named Jabulani, meaning "to celebrate" in Zulu.世界杯正在全面展开,新的足球正式命名为Jabulani,是祖鲁语中“庆祝”的意思。

6.Though you're wild as any Zulu and you're just as hard to tame, Little Lulu, I love you-lu just the same, the same.虽然你和祖鲁人一样狂野而且很难降服,小露露,我还是一样爱你。

7.Your pathetic civipzation repes on the Mighty Zulu for protection. It is time that you paid us for this valuable service!你这可悲的弱小文明事事得依靠强盛的祖鲁帝国保护。现在该是你为我们的服务付点酬劳的时候了!

8.Also in the old time, we had a mapiarchal system, pke the Zulu people now. Do you still have this system here?古时候,我们是母权制度,像现在的祖鲁人一样,你们这里还有这个制度吗?

9.That left his son with a passion for miptary history, from the US civil war to Zulu uprisings.这使佐立克对军事史产生了浓厚的兴趣,从美国内战到祖鲁起义。

10.This Zulu Proverb can be appped to leadership in Africa today.今天,祖鲁族人这句谚语可以应用到非洲的领导身上。