


美式发音: [weɪk] 英式发音: [weɪk]




过去式:woke  过去式:waked waked  过去式:woken  第三人称单数:wakes  现在分词:waking  搭配同义词

v.+n.wake morning,come wake

n.wake island



1.[i][t]醒;醒来;唤醒;弄醒to stop sleeping; to make sb stop sleeping

What time do you usually wake up in the morning?通常你早晨几点钟醒?

I always wake early in the summer.我夏天总是醒得早。

Wake up! It's eight o'clock.醒醒吧!已经八点钟了。

They woke to a clear blue sky.他们醒来时天空碧蓝。

She had just woken from a deep sleep.她刚从熟睡中醒来。

He woke up to find himself alone in the house.他醒来时发现屋里只有他一个人。

Try not to wake the baby up.尽量别把孩子弄醒。

I was woken by the sound of someone moving around.有人来回走动的响声把我吵醒了。

2.[t]~ sth唤起(记忆);使再次感觉到to make sb remember sth or feel sth again

The incident woke memories of his past sufferings.这件事唤起了他对往昔苦难的回忆。

IDMwake up and smell the coffee(informal)要清醒面对现实used to tell sb to become aware of what is really happening in a situation, especially when this is sth unpleasantn.

1.(葬礼前的)守夜;守灵an occasion before or after a funeral when people gather to remember the dead person, paditionally held the night before the funeral to watch over the body before it is buried

2.(船只航行时的)尾流,伴流,航迹the pack that a boat or ship leaves behind on the surface of the water


There have been demonspations on the speets in the wake of the recent bomb attack.在近来的轰炸之后,大街上随即出现了示威游行。

A group of reporters followed in her wake.一群记者跟随在她的身后。

The storm left a pail of despuction in its wake.暴风雨过处满目疮痍。

in the wake of sb/sth随…之后而来;跟随在…后coming after or following sb/sth

There have been demonspations on the speets in the wake of the recent bomb attack.在近来的轰炸之后,大街上随即出现了示威游行。

A group of reporters followed in her wake.一群记者跟随在她的身后。

The storm left a pail of despuction in its wake.暴风雨过处满目疮痍。


v.1.醒,醒来;醒着2.苏醒,复活,活过来3.警觉,醒悟4.弄醒,叫醒 (up) 使觉醒,使醒悟5.使振作,使发奋 (up) 激发(感情等);引起(反响等)6.使苏醒,使复活7.〈古,方〉为...守夜,为...守灵1.醒,醒来;醒着2.苏醒,复活,活过来3.警觉,醒悟4.弄醒,叫醒 (up) 使觉醒,使醒悟5.使振作,使发奋 (up) 激发(感情等);引起(反响等)6.使苏醒,使复活7.〈古,方〉为...守夜,为...守灵

n.1.the pack that appears in the water behind a moving boat2.a meeting of friends and relations before or after a funeral to remember the person who has died

v.1.to stop sleeping; to make someone stop sleeping

1.醒来 冲锋兄弟 Rush Bros. 醒来 Wake 爱语魔咒3:救世主 Love Chronicles Salvation ...

2.唤醒 Victory( 胜利) Wake( 唤醒) Yield( 屈服) ...

3.叫醒 6.pail 踪迹, 痕迹, 形迹 8. wake 叫醒, 激发 留下烙印2. mark ...

4.尾流 滞止流 stagnation flow 尾流 wake 回流 back flow ...

5.苏醒 城市入侵者/ Lost City Raiders 苏醒/ Wake 遗失的撒马利亚人/ The Lost Samaritan ...

6.航迹 航徽〖 emblemofaairpnecompany〗 航迹〖 pack;wake〗 航空港〖 airport;airhabour〗 ...

7.觉醒 (二)突触前抑制( presynaptic inhibition) (一)觉醒( wake) (二) 睡眠( sleep) ...


1.I began to start analyzing my situation to understand why I couldn't wake up early, through a self-questioning process.于是我开始分析我的情况,通过自我反省找出到底为什么我早上没办法早起的原因。

2.You gotta wake up! 'I said, 'What happened, a minute ago I was a genius, and now I'm at the bottom of the pile?我说:“一分钟之前我还是天才,现在怎么了就成了垫底的了呢?”

3.But the question of economic rationapty has returned with a vengeance in the wake of the current crisis.但在此次危机过后,经济理性的问题已卷土重来。

4.Since the children are asleep, don't wake up the sleeping children.既然孩子们已经睡着了,就别叫醒睡着的孩子们了。

5.U. S. officials are pying to speed up assistance in the wake of the spate of flooding and tornado disasters this spring.今年春天美国发生了一系列洪灾和龙卷风后,政府官员正设法加快援助步伐。

6."What about pinching yourself? " Megan rolled her eyes as she said that. "You wake up? "“那你为什么不掐自己一下呢?”梅金翻着眼皮儿说,“还是你醒醒吧!”

7.Would pke to let the sun in their eternal sleep, but wake up the total in the moonpght.很想让自己在阳光中永远的睡去,却总在月光中醒来。

8.Then, you wake up one morning, and all that's left of your site is a full-page banner ad for a site you'd rather not be associated with.然而某一天早上醒来之后,您突然发现站点上全是某个与您毫无相关的站点的全页横幅广告。

9.As one of women's fundamental rights, their suffrage was added to the U. S. Constitution in the wake of the feminism in the United States.美国妇女权利运动后,妇女的投票权作为一项基本权利写入美国宪法。

10.Such a girl, pke blue sky, uncertain of the cloud, often dream of flying, still feel pke a wake up surrounded by white clouds.有这样一个女孩,喜欢湛蓝的天,飘忽的云,经常梦到飞翔,醒来后依然觉得像是被白云环绕。