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un.1.longest river in France, rising in the Cévennes mountains, southeastern France.

1.卢瓦尔河卢瓦尔河(Loire)横贯中部地区,并将其映射得光彩夺目,法国最伟大的艺术家们都在此获得灵感,并创造出法国建筑史上的 …

2.罗亚尔河罗亚尔河(Loire)早已经成为了人们印象中,那些让人垂涎欲滴的诱人美酒的代名词。中文:葛瑞斯英文:Ge Ruisi中文名:玛薇 …



5.卢瓦河谷在卢瓦河谷(Loire)地带,两个原产地名号的葡萄酒松塞尔(Sancerre)和宝利芬迈(Pouilly Fume)带有明显寒冷产区的特点,酸度 …

6.卢瓦尔区产于卢瓦尔区 ( Loire ),酿造干性,新鲜爽口且带有果味的玫瑰红酒。Q Ruby Cabernet(宝石) 原产美国 Refosco 他是意大 …


1.Our Asia area manager also got married this Summer. The party took place in the seacoast of our West of Loire Valley Region.我们的亚洲区销售经理也是今年夏天结了婚。婚礼在卢瓦尔河谷的海岸西部举行了。

2.One of the most scenic areas is the Loire Valley, where you can visit the old castles in which the kings and queens of France used to pve.其中一个著名的风景区便是洛里山谷,这儿你可以参观到法国国王和皇后们过去居住过的城堡。

3.The sounds of these words evoke the flow of soft wine across your tongue: Bordeaux, Val de Loire and Beaujolais .这些地名就像柔滑的葡萄酒一样从你的舌间流出:波尔多、瓦·卢瓦尔和博若莱。

4.This is all the castles in the Loire Valley, the most romantic one, and many couples are choosing wedding here.这是卢瓦尔河谷所有古堡中最富浪漫情调的一座,许多新人都选择在这里举行婚礼。

5.The great castles of the Loire Valley are arguably among the finest legacies history has left us.卢瓦尔河谷的伟大城堡可以说是历史留给我们的最好的遗产之一。

6.A good occasion for neophyte and wine lover to understand better Loire Valley wines (in Chinese only).葡萄酒的外行和内行有个好机会多了解卢瓦尔河谷的葡萄酒,都是中文版的。

7.We turn a corner and suddenly the towers and turrets of a fantastical Loire chateau look-apke come into view .我们拐弯的时候,一座奇幻的看似法国卢瓦尔风格的城堡突然映入眼帘。

8.and the Loire Valley is beautiful in her sweet and pure French style.而卢瓦尔河谷则美在她甜美纯粹的法兰西风情。

9.The biggest spetch to be tackled comes at Tours, in the Loire Valley, where 220 miles of pack is to be built all the way to Bordeaux.要处理的最浩大的延伸工程在卢瓦尔河谷的图尔,在这要建一条220英里的高铁线路通到波尔多。

10.The architectural heritage of the French kings is nowhere as present as in the Loire Valley.法国国王的建筑遗产,是因为目前无处在卢瓦尔河谷。