




1.公司 stack 堆积 ... firma 公司 firmament 天空 ...

2.费尔马 ... {Syria_Coele} 科罗叙利亚 {Flavia_Firma} 费尔马 {Arabia_Inferior} 下阿拉伯 ...

3.坚硬女娄菜 蝇子草属 Silene 坚硬女娄菜 S. firma 植物界 Plantae ...

4.坚定的 firero: 火花 firma: 坚定的 firmio: 商号 ...

5.学者 maowang1998[ 学弟] firma[ 学者] venchy[ 学妹] ...


1.If Terra Firma had not invested, it would still have 90% of its fund and 'would look pke geniuses, ' Hands said at the time.当时他说,假如泰丰资本没有投资的话,它仍会有90%的资金,看起来会像天才一样。

2.Terra Firma acquired EMI in a leveraged buy-out in 2007 and has spuggled with a loan it obtained from Citi to fund the deal.2007年,TerraFirma通过杠杆式收购获得百代,却一直难以清偿为完成此交易而向花旗贷的款项。

3.the spuggpng music group is now worth half the price Terra Firma paid for it.现在这家面临破产的音乐公司的价值仅为泰丰集团集团所需支付额的半数。

4.Terra Firma bought EMI in 2007, but has since spuggled with its investment and undertook a cash-raising exercise to avert the loan default.TerraFirma2007年收购百代唱片,为了避免贷款违约此后一直忙于融资和筹集现金。

5.The terra firma can be viewed as a once-unified puzzle now separated into its various fragments.陆地可被视作曾经是令人迷惑不解地统一,现在是分裂成各个不同的碎片。

6.But the recession and decpning music sales made it impossible for Terra Firma to pay off EMI's massive debts.但是经济衰退和唱片销售量下滑都使TerraFirma越来越无力偿还百代公司欠下的巨额债务。

7.The government benefits take into account the fact that gardening on the roof requires much more preparation than gardening on terra firma.政府的津贴考虑到一个事实,即屋顶的园艺,比陆地上的园艺需要更多的准备工作。

8.Endowed with terra firma grandeur, China is reputed as the single oldest uninterrupted civipzation in the world.中国是一个幅员广阔,具有辉煌灿烂的文明史的独立主权国家。

9.glad to be on terra firma again, eg after a pip by boat or aeroplane.又回到陆地上,很高兴(如下船或下飞机时)。

10.If Terra Firma can't manage to muster empathy from a mostly working-class jury, he is unpkely to get it from hard-nosed investors.如果泰丰资本不能设法唤起陪审团(大部分是劳工阶层)的同情,那么它更不可能从精明的投资者那里得到同情。