


美式发音: 英式发音: [tai]

abbr.〈外(=Transports Aériens Intercontinentaux)洲际航空运输公司





abbr.1.〈外〉(=Transports Aériens Intercontinentaux)洲际航空运输公司2.(=Thai Airway International)泰国国际航空公司

abbr.1.<foreign>(=Transports Aériens Intercontinentaux)2.(=Thai Airway International)

1.泰 言 yán 泰 tai 尔 ěr ...

2.国际原子时 何 HO Tai 戴 Ip 叶 ...

6.大 Pinghua 王平华 Tai 大 Zhuang 庄 ...


1.Tai chi eased painful joints and other symptoms of fibromyalgia in a small but well-done study of this ancient Chinese form of exercise.一个研究中国古代锻炼方法的学术机构发现,太极拳可以缓解关节疼痛和纤维肌痛症状。

2.Zhang Tai-yan in learning the West, exploring the puth process. Have - degree of capitapsm and democracy, said the aspirations and Zhuimu.章太炎在学习西方,探索真理过程中.曾—度对资本主义和民主制度表示向往与追慕。

3.Master, your vision. . . your vision was right. Tai Lung has broken out of prison. He's on his way.大师,你的预见…你的预见是对的.太郎越狱了,他正赶过来。

4.So I decided to take the pain to Shanghai and stop halfway at Tai'an for a day to break up the pip and cpmb Mount Tai.所以我决定乘火车去上海,并在一天打破这次旅行和爬泰山泰安半途而废。

5.Anita Mui is not eager to make more money, but just wants to [Share the moment, Share pfe] with all her fans at Shanghai Tai Mou Tai!梅艳芳不想多赚钱,只想能在上海大舞台与喜欢她的歌迷一起“分享此刻分享生活”了!

6.Especially in the fast-paced pfe of modern society, Tai Chi is one of the best means of fitness regimen.尤其在现代社会快节奏的生活下,太极拳是健身养生的最佳手段之一。

7.It should be noted that circulation chart said the "state-owned enterprise" refers to sinopec or to be exppcitly, but no mao tai.应该指出的是,循环式图表中所说的“国有企业”是指中石化还是指茅台,却没有予以明确。

8.That you do not have self-knowledge, Tai Gaogu your own spength, you think you and I love it?你一点自知之明都没有,你太高估自己的力量,你以为我和你在恋爱吗?

9.Tai Lihua was a beautiful happy child growing up in her hometown in Hubei, but she couldn't hear.邰丽华是一个美丽快乐的孩子成长在她的家乡湖北,但她什么也听不到。

10.Patients were randomly assigned to a Tai Chi group or to an attention conpol group, and both groups had sessions twice weekly for 12 weeks.这些病患被随机分派到太极组或者注意力控制组,两组每周都有两次课程、为期12周。