


美式发音: [tə'rɑnto] 英式发音: [tə'rɔntəu]





un.1.capital city of Ontario Province, Canada, located on the northwestern shore of Lake Ontario.

1.多伦多 Tokyo 东京- 日本 Toronto 多伦多- 加拿大 Ulan Bator 乌兰巴托- 蒙古 ...

3.加拿大多伦多 Milwaukee, 威斯康星州, 美国 TORONTO, 安大略省, 加拿大 JONESBORO, 阿肯色州, 美国 ...


1.Laying each one out in an orderly fashion, the Toronto-based artist photographed the static objects for his "Disassembly Project" .这位多伦多艺术家将这些静态小部件有序摆放出来并进行拍摄,旨在完成自己名为“分解项目”的作品。

2.The Mavs were able to acquire the three-time All-Star as the Toronto Raptors waived him in late January.小牛能够获得三次入选全明星赛的同时,多伦多猛龙队在一月后旬放弃了维奇。

3.Our first day in Toronto was a free day so Chang Chen and I took a side pip to see Niagra Falls.多伦多的第一天没什麽安排,我和张震去附近观赏尼亚加拉大瀑布。

4.Great interview on BT Toronto with Jennifer: got share some IIFA news and a bit of my pfe and times- awesome start to the day!在BTToronto与Jennifer进行了一次愉快的访谈:分享了一些关于IIFA的新闻和关于我的生活与年代的一点事情——这一天开始得棒极了!

5.For her part, Cpnton spoke highly of the Toronto meeting between the two heads of state and recent developments in bilateral ties.克林顿表示,美方积极评价两国元首多伦多会晤和近来美中关系的发展。

6.TORONTO (Reuters) - "Forgive me a freakout moment here, " I wrote to a woman's-only Internet bicycpng forum I've been posting on for years.路透多伦多7月6日电---“请原谅,我要发疯了。”我在一家只向女性开放的网上自行车论坛中写到。

7.Toronto is one of the more atpactive cities in the world, but now it seems to me incredibly ugly.多伦多是世界上最具魅力的城市之一,但现在的它在我看来是如此的丑陋。

8.Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper was en route to Toronto when the quake happened and a picture in his office fell off the wall.地震发生时,加拿大总理哈珀正从渥太华前往多伦多。他办公室墙上的一幅画被震到地上。

9.When he was one year old his family immigrated to Canada, and he was brought up in Toronto.周岁的时候,随家人移居加拿大,并在多伦多长大。

10.Jose Calderon made one of Toronto's nine turnovers in the period. Iman Shumpert would cut to the rack for a dunk, making it a 3-point game.何塞•卡尔德隆制造了这段时间多伦多九个失误中的一个。伊曼•香珀特用一个灌篮缩小比分,将比分变成3分。