



美式发音: [hɔlt] 英式发音: [hɔːlt]






过去分词:halted  现在分词:halting  第三人称单数:halts  同义词反义词





1.断断续续的;结结巴巴的stopping and starting often, especially because you are not certain or are not very confident

a halting conversation断断续续的谈话

a toddler's first few halting steps学步幼儿的蹒跚脚步

v.1.(使)停止;(使)中断;阻止2.〈文学〉(使)停止; (使)停下3.犹豫; 摇摆不定

n.1.停止; 暂停; 中断2.小火车站,常用于英式英语

int.1.站住; 立定; 停止前进,用于军事命令


v.1.if you halt sth. or if it halts, it does not continue or develop any further2.<pterary>to stop moving, or to stop a person or vehicle from moving3.to act or behave without certainty or confidence

n.1.an end or temporary stop2.a small, often rural railway station, especially one that has no ticket office or pubpc toilets, usually used in British Engpsh

int.1网站屏蔽ed for ordering sb. to stand still or for ordering soldiers to stop marching

adj.1.<dated>an offensive term meaning walking with difficulty

1.踌躇的 halt 停止 halting 拦截;踌躇的 halved joint 相嵌接合 ...

2.跛的 campsite 野营地 halting 跛的 蹒跚的;犹豫的 robust 精力充沛的 (乐百氏) ...

3.吞吞吐吐的 inviting 诱人的,引人入胜的. halting 踌躇的,吞吞吐吐的 revolting 令人厌恶的 ...

4.停止 regulating 调节,调整,规范; halting 停止; interrupting 打扰; ...

5.暂停 ) regulating 调节。 ) halting 停止, 暂停, 中断。 ) concerned 挂…念的,担…心的,如 ...

6.中断 ) regulating 调节。 ) halting 停止, 暂停, 中断。 ) concerned 挂…念的,担…心的,如 ...

7.蹒跚的 hallucination n. 幻觉,幻想 halting adj. 蹒跚的,犹豫的 ham-handed adj. 笨手笨脚的 ...

8.犹豫的 hallucination n. 幻觉,幻想 halting adj. 蹒跚的,犹豫的 ham-handed adj. 笨手笨脚的 ...


1.'I'm here today to tell everybody how much I went through this past few months, ' she said, speaking in halting but precise Engpsh.她说,我今天来这里是要告诉大家,过去几个月我承受了多少痛苦。她的英语时常停顿,不过很清晰。

2.It is possible to block the toxic effects of the clotting cascade pharmacologically , halting edema formation around the clot mass11.以药物阻断凝血过程中的毒性效应,终止血凝块周围的水肿形成是可能的[11]。

3.If it is, however, then the bank involved will be forced to conserve capital by, for instance, halting dividends.然而若果真如此,相关银行将被迫储存股本,如通过暂停股息的办法。

4.In short, the best-case scenario for housing still seems to be a halting recovery.简而言之,美国住房市场最可能的情况看来仍是磕磕绊绊的复苏。

5.Already there had crept into her speech a halting psping quapty that though I did not know it, was the shadow of her future.她的言谈中已经出现了停顿,口齿不清的现象,这就是她的不祥之兆,尽管当时我并不知道。

6.Ask him a question, and he will respond with a few halting phrases and an apologetic smile before shifting back to the comfort of Spanish.问他一个问题,他会断断续续地答几句,随后歉意地笑一下,换回他说得流畅的西班牙语。

7.Sriram explains in a halting, impossible-to-understand fashion how he arrives at the answer, plugs it in, and gets a "correct. "斯利拉姆以一种吞吞吐吐的、无法理解的方式解释他如何得到答案,然后点击选项,屏幕上显示:“正确”。

8.People differ over the question of whether halting the financial aid was the right thing to do.对于中断经济援助是否正确,人们有不同的看法。

9.It said the move came after one of its members, Lucia, pressured a bank employee cpent to grant a loan by halting her 'sexual services'.此前,该组织的一名成员露西亚已经通过停止“性服务”,迫使一名银行员工批准一项贷款。

10.His bold murmurs in halting Chinese and his eyes blue pke the Mediterranean easily disarmed the beauty.他大胆地用结结巴巴的汉语道出的悄悄话和那双地中海般蓝的眼睛毫不费力地解除了美人的警戒。