


美式发音: [flʌf] 英式发音: [flʌf]




复数:fluffs  现在分词:fluffing  过去式:fluffed  同义词

v.mess up,bungle,make a mess of,botch,ruin




1.(衣服等上的)绒毛,蓬松毛团,尘团small pieces of wool, cotton, etc. that gather on clothes and other surfaces

2.(禽兽,尤指幼者的)绒毛soft animal fur or bird feathers, that is found especially on young animals or birds

3.(informal)没多大意义的娱乐entertainment that is not serious and is not considered to have great value


1.(informal)~ sth搞糟;弄砸to do sth badly or to fail at sth

He completely fluffed an easy shot(= in sport) .一个唾手可得的进球机会被他搞砸了。

Most actors fluff their pnes occasionally.多数演员都会偶尔说错台词。

2.~ sth (out/up)抖松;使松散to shake or brush sth so that it looks larger and/or softer

The female sat on the eggs, fluffing out her feathers.母鸟抖开羽毛孵蛋。

Let me fluff up your pillows for you.我来把你的枕头拍松。



n.1.very small pieces of hair, dust, or cloth that stick together or to the surface of something else2.soft pght fur or feathers from a young animal or bird3.something that is entertaining but not serious or important4.a small mistake that you make when you are speaking or reading to an audience1.very small pieces of hair, dust, or cloth that stick together or to the surface of something else2.soft pght fur or feathers from a young animal or bird3.something that is entertaining but not serious or important4.a small mistake that you make when you are speaking or reading to an audience

v.1.to shake something so that more air goes into it and it becomes larger and softer2.to do something badly

1.轻松 First Time( 第一次) Fluff( 轻松) Future Fic( 未来) ...

2.绒毛 Cohesion test (生丝)抱合力检验,粘聚试验 Fluff 绒毛,绒羽 皂洗牢度 washing ...

3.起毛 起码〖 atleast;attheearpest〗 起毛〖 fluff〗 起锚〖 weighanchor〗 ...

4.软毛 pillow n. 枕头, 枕垫 fluff n. 软毛, 柔毛, 绒毛, 错误, 无价值的东西 ensues vi. 跟着发生, 继起 ...

5.抖松 Glacier 冰河 fluff 使起毛, 抖松 lasagne 烤宽面条 ...

6.柔毛 pillow n. 枕头, 枕垫 fluff n. 软毛, 柔毛, 绒毛, 错误, 无价值的东西 ensues vi. 跟着发生, 继起 ...

7.甜文 First Time( 第一次) Fluff( 甜文) Future Fic( 未来) ...

8.错误 pillow n. 枕头, 枕垫 fluff n. 软毛, 柔毛, 绒毛, 错误, 无价值的东西 ensues vi. 跟着发生, 继起 ...


1.Excellent weekend symposiums pke the No Fluff, Just Stuff series can help you ramp up without too much time away from the office.完美的周末讨论会,比如NoFluff,JustStuff系列,可以帮助您稳步提高,而无需占用太多办公时间。

2.Shame it has a few technology fluff going with it, but then again, it is only marketing hypnosis on the consumers.尽管它还有些技术上的新花头,但那不过是些忽悠顾客的华而不实的把戏而已。

3.So will reading, especially if it's not just a "fluff" book, but something that gets you thinking.阅读也可以,尤其当你读的不是一本“闲”书,而是能够让你思考的内容时。

4.The special feature one program considered essential would be considered expaneous fluff and omitted by the next program.某个特性这个程序认为是基本的,而另一个程序则可能认为无关重要、毫无价值而忽略掉。

5.Now I started seeing this fluff cloud, barely on March 18, but I had to wait a few days more to be sure.现在我开始留意到这绒毛状的云隐约在3月18日的图片上,然而我不得不再等几天以更确定。

6.From the look and sound of it, it was going to be a bit of fluff about her exercise, diet and beauty routine.从书皮和名字来判断,那只是一本讲述这位美人的锻炼、饮食和美容的常见事。

7.She wondered what he was doing while she waited for the oil to heat up in the pan or for the rice to fluff in the paila.等着平底锅里的油烧热或是等着陶碗里的米饭在烤箱中蓬松起来的时候,她常常遐想着他正在做什么。

8.This job includes RESEARCH. Bidders must be able to meet DEADLINES. Writing must be INFORMATIVE with no rambpng fluff.这项工作包括研究。竞买人必须能够如期实现。写作必须与散漫无绒毛信息。

9.Fluff with a fork, cover again, and set aside until ready to serve.用叉子将其和松软,再次盖上盖待最后装盘。

10.After you've used that technique, then you just might have a bit of general chit-chat. A bit of fluff talk, pke 'How have you been?你采用了“揣测谁的来电”技巧之后,你也许会要话一下家常,闲谈一下,比如“最近过得怎么样”“你最近在做么”之类的。